Duo Performs Moving Tribute to Moshe Yess
The Rogers Park Band, starring Yosef Peysin and Mordy Kurtz, recorded this moving rendition of Beggar Woman, a song composed by the late Jewish music star Moshe Yess, to whom their performance is in tribute.
Rogers Park will be performing two shows in Brooklyn next weekend. To see a full tour schedule, click here.
This Sunday, December 28, the concert in Crown Heights will be hosted by The Creative Soul at the Besht shul.
Email Welcome@thecreativesoul.org for more details
Isaac Tiff
You guys are terrific, this was so beautiful sung, so soulful and pure!
Go ruby harris!
Tali Yess
This is by far the nicest cover of this song that I’ve heard so far!
Great job guys!
good job!
and good song!
Absolutely Beautiful!!
A true tribute to a true talent, my late neighbour.
Kol hakovod
Yosef and mordy are great shluchim , working in a Chabad house as well as musicians
This is the up and coming band in the Jewish World!
Yasher Koach, from your friends in Ottawa, Canada
love it
music is the best way cause that was what he loved!!