Video: Treating a Sun Burn with Sara Chana

Sara Chana Silverstein, a Lubavitcher from Crown Heights and mother of 7, who specializes in areas of alternative medicine and herbs, was featured on the ‘Cool Moms’ daily blog where she showed a natural way of dealing with and healing sun burns – the natural way.



    ENOUGH of this alternative medicine 60s leftover nonsense. This is what Chabad has become – a “New Age” alternative lifestyle that replaces Chassidus with all kinds of nonsense that border on kishuf and A”Z.

    I understand G-building is now empty. All of these alternative practitioners should set up both their practices and their living quarters there.

  • Mottel

    Time and again I wonder why CHI gives provides a platform for the blight of “natural and holistic” medicines that have become such a scourge to our community. While I have no doubt that Ms. Silverstein means well, this is yet another example of a wild and dangerous attitude that pushes such foreign and unhealthy agendas as anti-vaccination and the like.
    Doctors recommend that 30 min. sunlight 2 times a week suffices for vitamin d. Sunscreen is still recommended to prevent Melanoma.

  • For Burns not a Block

    There seem to be some people who don’t think before they write. I didn’t hear her say not to use sun block. She’s only suggesting a good way to heal burns quickly. In fact many if not most of the products out there for skin burns do use Aloe and Vitamin E just that natural Aloe without the chemicals added to preserve, etc. works much better.

  • For Burns not a Block

    There seem to be some people who don’t think before they write. I didn’t hear her say not to use sun block. She’s only suggesting a good way to heal burns quickly. In fact many if not most of the products out there for skin burns do use Aloe and Vitamin E just that natural Aloe without the chemicals added to preserve, etc. works much better.

  • Doctors recognize it

    Many people in CH use her when conventional medicine doesn’t work. I know of cases with several of the main doctors in CH where they recommended homeopathy.

  • G-ds garden- its there to be used

    This isn’t 60’s nonsense. This is just using natural herbs – Which HASHEM put there for us to use.
    Aloe plant save me from a horrible burn that should have resulted in a huge blister and scarring.
    If you don’t believe in using herbs and plants then maybe you ought to stop eating anything that grows from G-ds green earth!
    All your spices and fruits and vegetables have healthy properties and healing ones too.
    Ignorance isn’t an excuse, you can read up on keeping healthy with G-ds garden of remedies without going over to the darkside !
    Eating healthy isn’t a blight.
    Its smart and if you don’t like the garbage from the holistic or other’s trying to sell you their way of life you don’t have to get involved But many of our children and adults in the communities don’t eat healthy and they also don;t know how to , it leads to obesity .
    The Torah is an advocate of taking care responibly of our bodies and not abusing them.
    Aloe is a healthy plant and can be bought and grown on your windowsill.
    I don’t see whats so objectioable about getting natural alternative as to using sunscreen that hurts and burn the eyes when you sweat.
    Do you even know what any of the ingredients are and what their effects are on your skin much less a little child?

  • Seriously

    I don’t understand why all the misplaced negative comments. She’s a doll. She talks about treatment for a sunburn. She doesn’t recommend getting one, nor is there any known sunburn vaccine she is opposing. She doesn’t associate this with being a Chabad method, and she dresses tznius. Enough negativity. Serioulsly.

  • Mottel

    To numbers 5(6) and 9:
    Listen carefully to the first 30 seconds . . . and think before you snark.

    To number 8: Who mentioned avoiding healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables? The issue is avoiding medically sound treatment, something dictated by the Torah, in favor of dangerous natural remedies.

  • sara chana

    People have handled sunburn pain for thousands of years. All kids get sunburned by accident even if they wear sunscreen! Sometimes, in climates like Florida, California, and Israel people often don’t realize how strong the sun is. Using natural remedies to help with conditions like sunburns allow moms to help their children feel better and NOT have to spend a lot of money. Another natural cure is to smash a papaya and mix with lemon juice! Is this ‘wacko-alternative-medicine,’ or just understanding the amazing WONDERS OF HASHEM. Who put the ‘cure-in-world-before-the-illness. Remember Hashem created plants and trees before man….and before pharmaceutical companies!


    Papaya has been discredited as a remedy more times than a pomegranate has seeds.

    Silverstein should face criminal charges for the dangerous behavior she promotes in the first few minutes of this video. In fact, Bloomberg should worry about shutting these charlatans down rather than banning soda and Similac (and MBP). And that includes any CH doctor who recommends homeopathy.

    Melanoma can result from just ONE case of moderate sunburn. And no, aloe vera does NOT cure that.

    Oh, and her co-presenter is in violation of tznius rules.