Video: My Visit to Israel in the Heart of War
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan headed a special delegation from Toronto to Israel amidst the war in Gaza. He met with soldiers, parents that lost their children in battle, and communities in the south terrorized by rocket fire. Gripped with great emotion, Rabbi Kaplan, describes the incredible trip and the phenomenal outpouring of love and unity.
Don't know what to say
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan, I watched your video with tears pouring down my face! I have never watched anything as beautiful, expressive and emotional as what you just sent out today,for all of us to take part in. . I don’t know what to say
The raw emotion in your voice, as you gave it all over so beautifully just tore at the heart, and made us feel as if we were mamesh there ourselves; your pain and feelings were very easy to pick up on, and I, for one, thank you for this most amazing touching video. I think its totally amazing that you went, despite the ‘dangers’ involved, even though you say there aren’t any, and I fully apprehend and understand the gratitude and appreciation that you met up with there, be it from the soldiers, the bereaved families, the young children, and those families with their children, as you so rightly call them , in hospitals!
I am totally blown away. May the Aibishter reward you for your tremendous goodness and kindness, and may we see Moshiach today! (theres still time;) so that all that pain, and sadness and heartbreak comes to an immediate end.
Thank Rabbi Kaplan.
Mi Keamcha Yisroel!!!
Very nice
Wow!! So amazing and inspiring!
thank you
Thank you Rabbi Kaplan for taking the time to convey to us your feelings about your experience. We know our holy bais Hamikdosh was destroyed because of sinnas chinom…In the merit of all the ahavas chinum and ahavas yiroel May we see the Mikdash Hashlishi right NOW
Moishe Chaim
Amazing. How was he able to organize such an extensive range of visits etc. from Toronto?
Rabbi Mendel,
You have a beautiful Neshomo! your community is lucky to have you as their Rabbi!!
An amazing video! thank you for sharing it; so inspiring and encouraging! its no wonder they were all so grateful there, it was heart warming to watch and hear
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan, Amazing Words, please encourage more of the community to go, my brother was a shliach for many years before and finally made the choice to move with the family to Israel through ‘nefesh benefish’ , so please encourage all of us to continue to make a difference.
Mrs. Rabin
Thank you Rabbi Kaplan for sharing this with all of us. I watched it with tears pouring down my cheeks and gained a lot of inspiration from it. May we be zoche to moshiach now!