In a futuristic take on his hit song 'Hang Up The Phone,' from his blockbuster album Leap of Faith, Lipa Schmeltzer teams up with producer and director Danny Finkelman to tackle our generation's ever growing infatuation with gadgets head-on, in a music video that is both sci-fi and practical advice for today's technologically obsessed society.

Music Video: Hang Up the Phone

In a futuristic take on his hit song ‘Hang Up The Phone,’ from his blockbuster album Leap of Faith, Lipa Schmeltzer teams up with producer and director Danny Finkelman to tackle our generation’s ever growing infatuation with gadgets head-on, in a music video that is both sci-fi and practical advice for today’s technologically obsessed society.


  • inspired by what?

    how much trash did they have to watch to produce something like this????

  • mot

    good ””””””””””””””””””””””””””

  • way too little real life examples

    of people not paying attention to others, beginning with their spouses and kids, b/c they are too busy on the phone or other electronic gadgets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • great message

    but produced in such a goyish way, whoever is involved in this ought to feel some shame.

  • no mre fan

    Lipa started in a good way, Matisyahu started in a good way, now they are strange, not surprised if they end up making a clip together…why does everything have o turn into hip hop garbage….the winner is still the one and only Mordechai Ben David and I am someone who does like cool funky songs etc but Lipa and Matisyahu are going way out of line

  • Lipa is a good person

    Just bc he should share a mental institution ward with Levi Aron doesn’t mean he’s bad