by Izzy Ezagui

When I volunteered for the Israel Defense Forces, I had no idea what was rocketing towards me. And, although I'm never going to be the same person I was before the injury, the surprising turn of events gave me the opportunity to do something truly special.

Video: Look Mom, No Hand!

by Izzy Ezagui

When I volunteered for the Israel Defense Forces, I had no idea what was rocketing towards me. And, although I’m never going to be the same person I was before the injury, the surprising turn of events gave me the opportunity to do something truly special.

I grew up in Miami, Florida. At the age of nineteen, after visiting Israel three times during my childhood and silently vowing that I would one day join Israel’s military, I found myself training alongside Israeli soldiers.

In mid-December, 2008, after I had completed nine and a half months of intense training, a war known as Operation Cast Lead broke out on the border of Gaza. Three weeks into the battle, I was almost directly hit by a 120mm mortar shell, instantly losing my left and dominant arm from just above the elbow. I was conscious throughout the whole ordeal and still remember every moment clearly.

After a year of difficult rehabilitation, I once again volunteered for the Israeli army and had to prove myself worthy of returning to combat. Following much hard work and bureaucracy, I was back on active duty with a rifle in my remaining hand.

I am the first soldier in Israeli history to return to combat after an injury of this nature.

I went on to become a Staff Sergeant and successfully lead a squad of thirteen infantrymen through their advanced training. For this, I received an award from the Chief of Staff as well as the President of Israel, Shimon Peres.

And now I’m seeking your help in order to hire a good writing team for the job of telling my story. This project can’t happen without you the investor, so I hope you’ll consider making a pledge.

Click here to find out more.


  • Shluchah

    Thank you for your service to our country!
    You are an inspiration.

  • what an inspiration!

    Truly inspiring. You will give people so much chizuk not only those who have been effected like yourself but those people born missing complete limbs.
    Much hatzlocha in your mission.

  • down under

    Izzy was one of the injured soldiers who came to Australia together with Yosie Swerdlow and Menachem Kutner of Tzach Israel . He spoke of his dream of re joining the army. He had so much love of life and such a wonderful attitude. He was an inspiration to everyone that he came in contact with. Friday night at the shabbaton at Sth Caulfield Shule he and a number of other soldiers shared their experiences the mood was electrifying there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. The photo of Izzy receiving his award from President Peres hangs proudly on the shule notice board.
    Hatzlacha for the future
    Your family at Sth Caulfield Shule