A Rosh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak sought council by Litvisher Gadol Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman regarding a parent who wanted to enroll two children from a second marriage into his school. The Rosh Yeshiva did not want to accept them since they weren't the model student the school seeks to accept. Speaking in line with the ideas of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Shteinman sharply criticized the school - calling it Gaavah not to accept every student.

Video: “Gaavah Is Behind Not Accepting Students”

A Rosh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak sought council by Litvisher Gadol Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman regarding a parent who wanted to enroll two children from a second marriage into his school. The Rosh Yeshiva did not want to accept them since they weren’t the model student the school seeks to accept. Speaking in line with the ideas of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Shteinman sharply criticized the school – calling it Gaavah not to accept every student.


  • abc

    What a chutzpah, this guy is arguing with his Gadol- Rosh Yeshiva over and over again with his point. This is a waste of his holy time. Whats the point he is trying to make

  • Menashe W.

    He is so correct!!!
    For some reason, he doesnt come across like many of the other litvisher gedolim.
    He seems very ehrlich and level headed.
    Does anyone know his outlook on Chabad, I’m just curoious because I don’t know much about him.

  • Accept ALL

    It is the parent’s responsibility to see to it that there children are only affected positively by their environment and friends.

    The school’s responsibility also… the school needs to constantly raise the bar – once the children are already admitted to the school, to affect them positively. What good is a school that has children leave the same way they came in? The children should BENEFIT from the school!!

    but the parents, need to see to it that their children are affecting the world positively, not having the world affect them… CH”V.

  • a mother

    And this is the guy who, when my son was doing Mivtzoim at the Kotel, he wouldn’t turn his head 2mm. to look at him and answer “Good Shabbos”.

  • Go-ds right hand man

    If I protect the home environment from outside influences because I want my children unexposed to television, newspapers, etc.
    The students and parents want a school without children from previous marriages, so ………
    The decision by the school can be respected as well as the diplomatic words of a scholar.
    If you want to be understood, you gotta understand !

  • Mendel

    It’s not that these people don’t respect our Rebbe. They don’t have respect for anyone, even their own. Just look at how they talk to him. R. Shteinman put it right; they’re just baalei gayvah.

  • Sheves Achim Gam Yochad

    Not ‘Chas ViShalom’ to put him down in any way,
    but you can see here the difference between a Rebbe and Rosh Yeshivah.

    Again, not to put anyone down…

    It is my hope that Lubavitchers can be respectful to the Gedolim of others as much as we want them to be to ours.

    I hope Crownheights.info will be sensitive to what comments to approve and what not…

  • to #4

    Dec 29, 2009

    A historic meeting took place Wednesday evening in Israel between two leaders within Chabad-Lubavitch and the Haredi Litvish community.

    Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman, Rosh Yeshiva of the famed Ponovezh Litze’irim, met Rabbi Yoel Kahn, chief scholar of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s teachings.

    The meeting was held at Rabbi Shteinman’s home in Bnei Brak and was coordinated by Lubavitch businessman Avraham Kanelsky.

    Rabbi Kahn is in Israel for a series of Farbrengens in honor of the 19th of Kislev, the “Rosh Hashana of Chassidus.”

    The two exchanged Torah thoughts and Rabbi Kahn, a senior Mashpia and leading authority on Chassidus, reviewed a Sichah of the Rebbe about Chanukah.

    Chassidism was founded in the 18th century and was met with fierce opposition from Lithuanian’s Misnagdim (Litvish Jews).

    The rivalry has lost its ideological backing since, but the distinctions remain and tensions arise on rare occasions.

    Rabbi Shteinman asked about Rabbi Kahn’s age, upbringing and when he emigrated to the U.S. from Israel.

    At the end of their conversation, a new book was presented: “Chassidus Mevueres – Tefilla,” a compilation of teachings by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745 – 1812), founder and first Rebbe of Chabad.

    Rabbi Shteinman immediately started reading, and his students commented, “now he won’t go to sleep, until he reads it through.”

  • Stop the anti Snag bias

    Why are you quoting that holy Misnaged godol now?

    On the one hand you paint all snags with a broad negative brush, like in the Modi’in Ilit story earlier today. And now you give positive coverage to Rav Steinman shlita?

    Oh, now I see that you wanted to make it sound like he learned what he said from the Rebbe.

    How about taking a positive stand for Ahavas Yisroel for a change and stopping the negative bias against Misnagdim here.

  • YG

    The whole thing is a shpiel! They are wasting Reb Shteimans time and they will be taken to din on that too. At about half way through the video you could see the guy on the right motion with his hand to the cameraman to come closer and get better footage. If the guy was ernst that would not be on his mind.

  • jerushalit

    these so called cream of the cream families in israel are pushing away alot of good children. those that they dont allow to enter their institutions and those that are in their school.its very sad that we have a caste system simalar to india.each group deciding their preverance.but one thing all agree with-baal teshuvah on botum of list

  • CR

    The school is in Beit Shemesh, not B’nei B’rak. And this meeting happened several years ago. Nevertheless, R Shteinmann and R Elyashiv have both shown level-headed moderation in their leadership positions of the MGT, despite the serial, Baryonishe kana’us of certain “askonim”. They have been quite able to tell certain busybodies in the Yeshivish world to “get lost” when necessary. This is quite a refreshing change from their immediate predecessor.

  • cher

    are kids from a second marraige worth less? will they somehow cause the others to do bad? stupid question they r wasting his time

  • Why not do both?

    Any reason not to do both: Learn Chasidus and Mussar?

  • nsker

    #1: do they? these people are openly laughing to his face. They obviously had decided what they want to do, and just wanted to use R Shteynman’s name for endorsement.

    They certainly do not strike me as respectful.

  • Wow!

    So powerful! As much as they try to convince him and argue he does not budge. That is real gadlus! Alevai all teh misnagdishe rabonim were so emesdig.

  • The guy

    And this is the guy who, when my son was doing Mivtzoim at the Kotel, he wouldn’t turn his head 2mm. to look at him and answer “Good Shabbos”.

    The guy? If you mean Rav Shteinmann shlit”a, he is quite old and probably did not even hear your son.

  • Respect

    And this is the guy who, when my son was doing Mivtzoim at the Kotel, he wouldn’t turn his head 2mm. to look at him and answer “Good Shabbos”.

    The guy? If you mean Rav Shteinmann shlit”a, he is quite old and probably did not even hear your son. Talk about GUY-vah!

  • shlomo as always with bad English

    did you people really believe that in CH accept every boy in school(girl is another story) even from lubavicher family in israel? ask , and you will be surprize

  • To #24

    Actually, my son walked right up to him away from the Tefuillin table to specially give Kavod & sy Good Shabbos.

  • To #26

    To #26

    When I was a twelve years old in 5752, I waited near the stairs where the Rebbe would go up to his office from 770 shul, especially to wish the Rebbe “a Gut Shabbos”.

    The Rebbe did not reply.

    Boruch Hashem, even as a twelve year old, I did not for a second take offense that the Rebbe didn’t reply.

    I have to agree with #23. Don’t be so judgmental, and have a little kabolas ol – even if he’s not your Rebbe.

  • UGH!!!

    OMG two people get married for a second time and suddenly their kids are “used cars” >>>>OMG, this is more than guiva-IT IS SO DISGUSTING that I’m ashamed of what these schools stand for!!!!

  • motti

    to #9 you are joking right? First marriage? Outside influences?

  • yankel

    I cant believe this! they are making fun of him in his face, like he’s stupid!! and then he motions to the camera man to come closer….. No respect for your own godol!! If you come and ask his holy opinion, DONT ARGUE WITH HIM.

  • Baal GUY-vah

    I am half Rav Shteinmann shlita’s age if that. If I could have 20 cents for every time I did not see/hear someone wish me gut Shabbos because of anything from noise around me to the effect that my eyeglass frames and hat brim have on my peripheral vision, I would never have to work again.

    Referring to a godol beYisroel as a “guy” is exactly why we have problems with the Litvish velt today. The only real sone is long gone and fading into the recesses of memory, except that we are the ones keeping his memory alive with stories like the one posted above.

  • CR

    “I cant believe this! they are making fun of him in his face, like he’s stupid!! ”

    They aren’t making fun of him; they cannot believe that R’ Shteinmann is calling THEM “stupid”, albeit in a roundabout way. That expression you see on their faces is that of a deer caught in headlights on a dark road.

    Askon: “One of the parents [objecting to the family in question] is a Chashuve Yungerman!”
    R’Shteinmann: “Well, he is an even BIGGER Ba’al Ga’avah!”

    They have nothing with which to answer the Rav’s retort. They thought they were being the Tzaddikim in this case and were not anticipating that response, clearly.

  • Lubavitcher

    Halevay we had a leader today like Rabbi Shteineman, not to be a new Rebbe, but to be Chabad’s chief posek/Mashpia, that his opinion would be final. Impressed by Rabbi Shteineman. He seems like his status is well deserved.

  • to 13

    You see everything so negative, it’s scary. Actually, I saw this video and loved it, and emailed it to this website and they posted it. (I also mentioned matter of factly that the Rebbe shared the sentiment)

    Not everything you have to see the bad. I think CH.info is respecting the Rov by posting his video, and stating matter of factly that the Rebbe seemed to share that view. Not that one of them influenced the other, rather they seemed to have a similar mehalech in this inyan of chinuch. Now take an asprin and have a good rest so you can wake up in a better mood tomorrow.

  • Jack

    If only Chabad Rosh Yeshivas would listen to this Rabbi – perhaps there would be a few less of our children roaming the streets