Video: Head Shliach’s Final Address
CrownHeights.info has obtained a video of Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz’s last public address, which he delivered two and a half weeks before he tragically passed away after a minor surgery Tuesday morning.
The address was delivered at the Cheder Lubavitch of Chicago gala dinner at the Intercontinental Hotel on February 16th, where Rabbi Moscowitz was one of the honorees.
we now understand rabbi Moscowitz a’hs talking points at the adress he gave at the anual Cheder dinner several weeks ago. When he spoke I along with others I talked to were perplexed. I am moved to tears when I watch his talk brought to us here today. Typical to him in its power but uneque how he spends time thanking and empowering all the Shluchim in the state and his fammily.
The content of this last speech is too telling in light of the tragic passing of this very special Head Shliach.
What a great loss for the Chabad family, for the State of Illinois, and for the world.
Hamokom Yinachem Eschem…
blown away
it’s almost as if he is giving a farewell speech. if it were called a farewell speech, the content would fit perfectly.
Rabbi L
How Much more??
Ad Mosai
Hashem hob rachmonus
PLEASE send Moshiach NOW!
What a farewell speech.
Boruch Sholom Wolf
Rabbi Moscowitz was such an inspiring man and he always made everyone feel important and destined for greatness if they only cared to participate and utilize their talents lesaken oilam… Such a huge loss to the myriads he’s touched. Thankfully his legacy will continue and I’m confident with greater vigor bez”H. However, the pain is still enormous that we no longer have Rabbi Moscowitz with his great dynamic larger than life personality. Ad Mosai?!
May Hashem bentsh the Moscowitz family with the strength to thrive and continue the legacy. I’m sure he’ll be beaming with pride with every peulah no matter how [seemingly] small. Hamakom yenachem eschem soich shaar aveilei tzion v”yerusholayim.
How frightening! the speech of Rabbi Moscowitz z’l toward the end sounds like an elul/pre-yom kippur drosho, being michayev us to do more, and work to bring even more yidden closer to HKB”H. he also speaks with such chiyus, that it’s so hard to believe that he is not here anymore..
May HKB”H Send the mishpochoh a complete nechama!
Sruly C
Scary how it sounded like he knew it was a last time speech.
We must follow the last few minutes carefully in his Zchus.