Video: Bella Bracha DVD Sneak Peek

Torah Treasure is wrapping up production on a new DVD series just for girls, titled ‘Bella Bracha,’ featuring the talented Chanale Fellig. The new DVD is sponsored by Dovid and Malkie Smetana, and will iy”h be in stores by the end of the month.

Please note: This video is intended for women and girls only.


  • cant wait

    it is so cute im going to a wedding a wedding a wedding im going to a wedding to day

  • soo cute!!

    im going to a weddding
    its getting its getting!!

    and btw, im so sorry shloime for you that when you heard in the beginning a womans voice, you didnt have the courage to exit the screen. I’m truly sorry that you would then blame chanale!!

    looking foeard