While the Rebbe’s sensitivity to every Jew is well-known, recordings of direct interactions between the Rebbe and individuals with special needs, or their parents, are quite rare.

Video: The Rebbe on Autism

While the Rebbe’s sensitivity to every Jew is well-known, recordings of direct interactions between the Rebbe and individuals with special needs, or their parents, are quite rare.

Almost six years ago, researchers at JEM encounter just such a video clip. As they always do with clips of a private nature, they requested the parents’ permission to publicize the clip, explaining that the Rebbe’s words would be a source of strength and inspiration to others families with facing similar challenges.

Finally, Rabbi Akiva Nussbaum, JEM’s Director of Research obtained permission. Here is the exchange:

“If someone is autistic, it doesn’t mean that they don’t relate to anyone. They might not relate well to people, but to G-d they relate as well as everyone else, and even more. Place a charity box in his room. This will benefit him, and he’ll remind his visitors that they must give charity.”


  • Just beautiful

    We also have an autistic daughter, 23. What the Rebbe said about
    them relating to Hashem is so true. She loves singing Chasidishe
    nigunim, and if she notices something religiously wrong, she will raise questions about it.

  • levi

    If i’m not mistaken that is Cantor Joseph Malovany. Please correct me if I’m wrong…

  • mike

    The way the clip was posted earlier in the week it actually stated that this was cantor malovani. Since the first have of the conversation should never have been included in the public version, they used the online editor to chop off the intro

  • JEM Staffer

    Michael, you are correct that the earlier online version was longer, and that it als identified the conversant as Chazzan Malovani. However, your assertion that it should never have been included in the public version is incorrect. The Malovanis gave permission for the clip to be published and, in fact, the full version appeared in this week’s Living Torah (before 215,000 viewers, in eight languages).
    The clip was shortened in order to focus more directly on the autism exchange.
    *signed, someone in the know*

  • shlomie

    to levi,

    yes you are right, on chabad.org you can see the whole thing, where rabbi groner introduces him as chazzan …