Audio: Reb Yom Tov Ehrlich Sings “Yaakov”
Legendary Yiddish composer Reb Yom Tov Ehrlich sings “Yaakov,” which he composed some 67 years ago at the 1946 wedding of the song’s hero – Reb Yaakov Potash.
Interestingly, just this past year, Reb Yom Tov and Reb Yaakov became Michutonim up in heaven, as their respective great grandchildren got married to each other.
Click Here for more about Yaakov Potash.
Click Here to listen to an English version of the song.
Click here to listen to Avraham Fried‘s rendition of the song, as recorded on his first Yiddish Gems album, released in 1992.
great story never knew it was based on a true story!
Ah…That was Jewish music. I attended Bais Yaakov High School of Boro Park, and every Rosh Chodesh, Crown Heights and Boro Park branches went to the main building in Williiamsburg. I see Reb Yomtov in front of my eyes, with his eyes closed, playing the accordion and singing his Yiddish songs.
So many connections to this masterpiece. I went to
Camp Bnos and Rebbetzin Shonnie Perr (single then) directed and starred as Yaakov. My brother (Izzy Rosenfeld) z”l, attended the vort at Yeshivah Beis Yosef, as a teenager.
Baruch Hashem, Reb Yomtov left behind many descedants worthy of carrying on his name and his legacy.
Thank you for publishing this. And thank you to Avraham Fried for bringing those songs back to Jewish life
always knew
that this was a true story however i thought the story happend to himself- yomtov erlilch
Kindershe Memories
Growing up in Crown Heights learning in Ohelei Torah Reb Yom Tov Ehrlichwas a big part of our young lives. We used to sing all of his songs on the bus that Mr. Perelshtein drove us to & from Yeshivah. Even today I listen to his original songs that were song with such “Hartz.” Reb Yom Tov Ehlich during the WW II
ended up in Samarkand with the Lubavitcher s there and he recorded a whole record called Samarkand and in one of the songs he sings about Hachosid… Reb Nissan Nemenov ztl. May he come back with Moshiach Tzidkeinu to sing his niggunim.
Yehei Zichron Boruch.
wedding gift
my father z”l a friend of Yakob would tell us the Yom Tov Erlich sang this song as a git to Yakob at his wedding.
galitzianer chassidim
My bobbe and family spent the war years in Samarkand with R. Yom Tov Ehrlich.
He was a source of inspiration constantly lifting up their spirits through his songs!
beautiful renditions, all 3!
Yes, Reb Yomtov Ehrlich made it up in honor of Yakub’s wedding, and Reb. Shonnie Perr performed on a table there at the wedding as well