Video: MBD Sings ‘Chabadsker Niggun’
Mordechai Ben David sings the ‘Chabadsker Niggun’ at the Simchas Bais Hashoeva of congregation Shaarei Torah in Los Angeles, CA.
What has become known as the ‘Chabadsker Niggun’ is in essence a Niggun that dates back some one hundred and fifty years, from the students of the Tzemach Tzedek, the third Lubavitcher Rebbe. It can be found in Sefer Haniggunim as Niggun #42, and was originally sung much slower.
didnt know chabad had such nice songs
its even nicer if its sang correct.
so what else is new?
where have you been hybernating???? the most beautiful, meaningful and soulful songs are in Chabad. Drop your bias and you will hear!!!!!!!
Mirele Rosenberger
This really swings. You can feel the love that Mordechai Ben David has for the nigun. The keyboardist is using a great beat and his harmonies are wonderful, especially the C half-diminished 7th to the F -7th to the B -flat minor chord in the 5th and 6th bars of the second section.
malca bayzman
mirele rosenberg – only you would know that – us lay folks just like the singer and music
Mirele Rosenberger
Ha-ha-ha-ha! Yes, I’m speaking musical language, but it’s such a beautiful route to the sub-dominant chord, for those who know music.
Just by the way
This song is sung during the mitzvah tantz at chassidishe weddings
Yes, The world is finally waking up to appreciate the beautiful, meaningful songs of Chabad.
A chassidishe derher
When did it become a Chabadzker niggun?
# 6 not all chassidim do the mitzvah tantz,Lubavitch & other Russian chassidic groups do not.
So don’t say cahssidishe weddings say Poilishe or Hungarishe or Galitzianer.
we can do it ...
make it happen brig moshiach here – in gi this yr!! !!! :):):)
It is a wonderful niggun. My sons sing this niggun in their yeshivos (non-chabad). I have never heard Chabadniks sings this song. To #2: what is the correct way?
This niggun is best sung by Rabbi Greenwald in Long Beach, CA
Recently two nigunim were captured by the renowned singers and completely twisted out of their correct version, beat and meaning. To the ears of the real “Baal menagein” this is awful. This particular nigun is so meaningful and beautiful when sung the right way.
I appeal to singers and musicians – PLEASE before singing or playing a nigun chabad, check with a senior Baal menagein from chabad that you got it right.
dor hashvii train is rolling almost at last stop
stand up tall give it ur all the whistles about to pop
building steam do everything
the strength is all in you
come on PC do what u gotta do!!!!
trust me, he is senior!
pc waitro
always have your head held high to do the rebbes will
were yidden,were chassidim, got a mission to fulfill
we can do it
make it happen
bring moshiacn here
in pc this year
go pc
go waytoes
go pc
go pc 73
waitro, waitro waitresses!!!!!!!!!!!!!