Video: ‘Les Savy Fav’ Rock Artist Visits Mitzvah Tank


  • Curious


    I have no idea who this guy is but how did they get this rock artist to hang out with the bochurim/mitzvah tank? Is he jewish?

    I heard some story about another rock star coming into a mitzvah tank once… I think it was Steve Tyler who was not jewish but did hang out for a bit and that the shliach/bochurim had no idea he was a major ”artist”

  • Yehuda/Venice ca

    Hi this was my Mitzva Tank, This was planned, by phone It is a Jewish Owned TV of the Syrian community, He may be a star but remember there are Many stars, like 1000’s like him, and he felt “Lucky to be on a Mitzva Tank With the Rebbes boys, He is not Jewish but since his beard, i gave him a Black Hat from Wardrobe and he looked good So he decided he would try acting like a Bochur and it went very well, Thank God! enjoy!