Watch RCCS Chinese Auction Live! – ENDED
Mendy Pellin, the world-acclaimed Chassidic comedian and actor, flew in from Los Angeles to co-host the RCCS “Miracles ’11” Auction drawing. Pellin joins a long list of Jewish superstars who have dedicated this evening on behalf of the several hundred cancer-stricken families helped each year by RCCS, the Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society.
Tonight, December 19, is the culmination of a months-long effort by the ladies auxiliary of RCCS, and the actual prize drawing will take place with a several-hour simulcast, beginning at 7:00PM. More than 45 fabulous prizes, worth an aggregate of $400,000, will be awarded over a phone and web simulcast, direct from the Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society (RCCS) headquarters in Brooklyn, NY. In addition, the Grand Prize of $25,000 cash plus the Split-the-Pot Mega Prize, expected to surpass $250,000, will be awarded as well!
Chaya L.
I guess I didn’t win!