An interesting video of the Sanz-Klausenburger Rebbe's Tisch at the end of Yom-Tov, where he carries out the custom of throwing apples to the crowd of gathered chassidim as a symbol of blessing. The Chassidim break out into the joyous [Chabad] niggun of “Vaharikosi Lochem Brocho,” and what appears to be the Klausenburg version of “Yechi Adoneinu.”

Video: Apple Throwing at Sanz-Klausenburg

An interesting video of the Sanz-Klausenburger Rebbe’s Tisch at the end of Yom-Tov, where he carries out the custom of throwing apples to the crowd of gathered chassidim as a symbol of blessing. The Chassidim break out into the joyous [Chabad] niggun of “Vaharikosi Lochem Brocho,” and what appears to be the Klausenburg version of “Yechi Adoneinu.”


  • Apples and oranges

    Who the H— cares whats doing there !!! If you are so fascinated by that group why don’t you become a member and open up a web site there.

  • In your own back yard

    If you would have been in 770 before the farbrengen you would also have seen the Bocherim throwing apples (and water bottles) around

  • Yid

    “the Klausenburg version of “Yechi Adoneinu.”

    The difference between that and the Lubavitch version is that they don’t call their Rebbe ‘melech hamoshiach’, nor do they add li’eylom voed’.

  • Moshe


    Nobody is coersed to read what he doesn’t want, so to those who are complaining, don’t read the article and don’t watch the video. If you want to believe that Lubavitch is the only Chasidus on earth, that’s your problem. What about all those people who visited the Rebbe but who didn’t stick to his shita because they belonged to other Chasidic courts? Did the Rebbe tell them: “Why are you coming to him as you don’t hold to my shita?” Stop to be focused only on YOU. In fact, the video is quite interesting. Thank you for sharing it with us. The truth is that “Yechi Adoneinu” without the meshuga “Melech Hamoshiach Leolom Voed” is common in other Chasidus. During the Simchas Beis Hashoeva of Rebbe Aharon of Satmar there was a big banner on which we could read “Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu V’Rabbeinu.” When we will finally remove the meshuga “Melech Hamoshiach Leolom Voed” from within Lubavitch, we will become true Chassidim.

  • to #10

    what is that supposed to mean?
    part of being a chassid is beleiving your rebbe is moshiach weither alive or not! (says in rambam)

  • Those were the days...

    This video brought me to tears reminding me of what we are begashmius missing (at this moment) with our Rebbe. Oy, to be able to see the Rebbe again b’korov mamosh and to sing along with him!

  • Old Friendship

    The Rebbe zt“l and the Klausenburger Rebbe zt”l were very close friends. There are many fascinating stories about this.
    Both tzadikkim passed away within days of each other in 5754.

  • Music, Dancing

    They are not making fun of us! I think Vizhnits also throws apples at the end of Yom Tov – it is a minhag of some sort.

    Our niggunim are spreading more and more throughout the Jewish world thanks to Chabad baalei menagen like Avraham Fried and productions like the recent Moshe Laufer album.

  • hm

    to number 11
    im a bit new in this, i was just wondering: what exactly is meshuga about calling our rebbe melech hamoshiach? doenst it say that every generation has a potential moshiach, and that all chasidim call their rebbe “moshiach” (i think i heard this about one of the tanoim with his talmidim, but i might be wrong.)
    please enlighten me about the big mishegas in calling our rebbe moshiach.

  • sba

    The minhag of throwing apples on ST is an ancient one which was also done in many Ashkenaz kehilos



  • arrogance

    What arrogant self-centered comments!Just who do you think you are???Remember your minhagim are also called idiotic to the unfamiliar. This was very interesting and they too sing their niggunim and have the same enthusiasm as you do so where is the “superior” stance coming from?

  • Avrohom Gilman

    To number 12. the Rambam says just the opposite. Moshiach has to be alive in body to fight wars etc. I have spoken to many Poskim who tell me that when revival of the dead takes place,then the Rebbe can be Moshiach .

  • Chai V-Koyom L-olom Voed

    When Moshiach comes there will no longer be wars. The wars of Gog Umogog were were already won.

  • CR

    Fascinating video, thanks for sharing. We should be mindful of the ways other Kreizen hold court and realize that their seemingly curious practices are rarely about “us”!

    I did see video of Rebbe Aharon of Satmar holding tisch some years back and the chassidim singing “Yechi…Tzadik Doreinu(i)” to the same tune used here.

  • Gezhe Chabad

    A Gutter Yid or a Rebbe’s customs are holy ..They are fire ..Step back..and what do you think happened in the Beis Hamikdosh ..Saintly Jews skinning animal ..surprised that Chassidim have lost the lense within which to see other courtyards of Chassidim

  • Yossi

    1) Not fair only the ones on the front row get the apples.
    2) Right handed Sandy Koufax?
    3) I’m jealous that they have a living Rebbe. It must be nice.

  • Uncle Mendel

    The Sanz-Klausenburger Rebbe has a heck of a curve ball.

    Thanks for Shopping Arlans !!!!

  • Yechi MH M Shlita

    to Yossie # 26
    Disgusting: You could join them if you wish. No one is holding you here with chains in C.H. For a free apple you would leave!!If you would come to 770, you would know that the Gabboim in 770 were also distributing free apples in 770 on Hashana Rabba. Maybe Gerlitzy has an extra apple for you so you won’t be so jealous