Videos and Pictures from Last Nights Rubashkin Rally!
Thousands attended a rally in Boro Park to support Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin. The event had many speakers, including; Getzel Rubashkin, Rabbi Shimon Zev Meisels, and Chazan Meir Boruch Cohen.
Photos by Baruch Ezagui. Video by SheaHD.

incredible event. Getzel speaks just like his mother. May they hear good news very soon
Which video is Nat Lewin in and how far into it?
could you show when everyone gave the lawyer a standing ovation?
Do not give up hope!
Keep on praying!
Here is a very well written blog post I came about that goes through the whole Rubashkin story
Hoping to hear a Yeshua......
In the zchus of so many yidden and all types, Hashem should have rachmanos. In this zchus, should we all be protected form such types of tzaras; Sholom Mordechai should immediately have a Yeshua and klal Yisroel should only know from simchas
Yasher Koach to Rav Pinchas Lipshutz for being mekadash shem shomayim and demonstrating and for being a catalyst for achdus.