All those long emails titled “Help Rubashkin” broken down and simplified in a 2 minute video.

You can help the verdict!

Video: “Rubashkin – Why Should you Care?”

All those long emails titled “Help Rubashkin” broken down and simplified in a 2 minute video.

You can help the verdict!

Video production donated by JabMedia – Video Edited by Gabe Geller.


  • Wow

    THAT was amazing. Blunt and to the point. I hope it’s not only us who are seeing this, but those with pull and influence as well.

  • I have sent an e mail....have you?

    wow! i found this a powerful message. I hope it works.

  • no words...

    This was the most amazing video I’ve seen in a long time.

    Thank you so much whoever put this together.

    Together we will succeed!

    Read the link about the NYC subWay bomber terrorist. He evaded prison, allowed to stay home then sent back to his home country. This is someone bent on destroying America and murdering people en masse. What an abuse of justice. Look at the hypocrisy. Sholom Mordecai Rubashkin is being treated worse than a murdering muslim. Maybe we should request the same judge to preside in the Rubashkin case.

  • Missing the point

    We need to do everything possible to make sure that Shalom gets justice and no one should sit by and wait for someone else to do the job.

    While I fully hope and pray and I am doing everything possible to help Shalom, I don’t think that the comparison presented in this video will be helpful in convincing people to help his cause. I showed it to a couple of neutral people and they felt that the comparison was very far fetched.

    The video is very well done, but we should be presenting his cause based on its own merits. It is like telling your teacher that you shouldn’t be punished because another kid also did the same trouble.

  • somebody

    wow beutiful video, i hope everybody got the message and is willing to take a few extra minutes to sign the petition. (and maybe say an extra capital or two)


    Whoever has a YouTube account should comment on the video and rate it.

    If you don’t have it is very easy to make one, just click the ‘create account’ button on the top right.

  • To all the commentators

    Post all your comments on YouTube, it will make it more popular.

  • They are trying to get a hundred thou...

    They are trying to get a hundred thousand hits, so everyone please watch, and forward to everyone you know!

  • Keep it up

    It has already received 18 viewing honors for today, check the stats tab.

    (Motzei Shabbos).

  • Amazing

    Already over 14,000 views, over 50 comments, and over 100 ratings in just one day!

  • Support.

    If there are many views even not only that it may help the publicity of the case but it also will show support to Rubashkin and his family, so that they can see accurate statistics for how many people care.

    So watch it for as much as you care.

  • neighbor

    the video is not coming up on my mobile phone could someone pls fix that? it’ll get more hits faster

  • Please dont hurt rubashkin

    please do not hurt Shalom Mordichai Rubashkin by makingone call or sendingone email to Judge Reade.
    Those who call and email Judge Reade, despite repeated and clear instructions not to do so, are hurting Sholom Rubashkin.

    Under no circumstances should anyone have any contact with Judge Reade or her chambers!

  • jap

    I really don’t like this video.I don’t think it’s helpful to the situation.It comes from a frum world perspective and secular people will not buy it.We need to approach the subject in any other way.Goyim and most secular jews just don’t care.It should off been made more human and with pictures to show what he really did in Iowa and have people speaking on his behalf.Not just a no one seating there speaking a boring dialogue trying to convince someone.The video is boring.We need more members of the community speak up and families in Iowa to say that yes,he helped us and he build the schools,etc…just saying it doesn’t make such a big difference!

  • Supporter of Rubashkin Family

    I think they made a mistake by comparing him, a jewish businessman to an Asian businessman, think abut it–it is in essence implying that the racism in America is not against foreigners/Asians but against American/Jews? Poor comparison choice that muddles the point it is trying to make and makes it look like we are crying ‘racism’where none exists. More thoought should have been put into this–they should have compared him to an American/anglo-saxon bsuinessman and then the point would have been clear that good old fashioned american anti-semitism is fueling this injustice.
    As far as I can tell, none of Sholom Mordecai’s defense teams have got the message out that he is NOT a crook at all but a victim of anti-Jewish persecution. I feel his lawyers have not served him well.

  • a life sentence will be

    …a life sentence for Rubashkin is a life sentence for the American Justice System
    …we will never regain our respect after this travesty, the system will become a laughingstock, an example for all other countries…of how NOT to conduct themselves

  • Help!

    email this video, twitter it facebook it it send it to

    Please repost this article.

  • svg

    Several former U.S. attorneys general, a former deputy attorney general, more than half-a-dozen former U.S. attorneys and a former federal judge have authored and signed letters to the judge in the Sholom Rubashkin case, criticizing the prosecutors’ recommendation that Rubashkin receive life in prison for his bank fraud conviction under Federal Sentencing Guidelines. The authors of the letters include former U.S. attorneys general Janet Reno, Dick Thornburgh, Nicholas Katzenbach, and Edwin Meese III, as well as former deputy attorney general Larry D. Thompson, and former federal Judge Paul G. Cassell. The jurists represent the gamut of sentencing philosophies and includ officials nominated by both Democratic and Republican administrations. Law professor Alan Dershowitz also sent a letter asserting the same conclusion. At press time, more distinguished former U.S. attorneys are adding their names to the widening list of distiguished legal experts challenging the proposed life sentence.

  • i agree 1000%

    The parties responsible for any gross miscarriage of justice can themselves find that they can be put under the bright lights of true justice. I don’t know how the system works, but feel that there are ways to deal, or at least try, to punish these types of legal professionals.

  • Jill Chesrow

    I do not understand the rational for such a harsh sentence for this man. When our trusted Goverment Officials turn out to be untruthful and commit crimes there is little to no ramifications. Why would this man be held accountable to the extremee for what he has done? Will this be yet another potential for this Great Nation to show that it has its priorities seriously mixed up? United we stand…for the highest and greatest good of ALL. Isn’t that what we were founded on? Let Justice serve here in a fair manner please.

  • Josefa

    He should have moved to Israel long ago. It is much better for a Jew to be poor in Israel than to be rich in America.