SS guard Franz Suchamel attested to the Nazi murder machine which attempted genocide to annihilate the Jewish people.

He described the brutal transportation process which killed most of those brought into Treblinka. During the interview, which Suchomel did not know was being filmed, the SS soldier revealed in great detail the means necessary for killing thousands and the huge efforts that went into disposing of the bodies.

Arutz7 Video – SS Guard Describes Treblinka Murders

SS guard Franz Suchamel attested to the Nazi murder machine which attempted genocide to annihilate the Jewish people.

He described the brutal transportation process which killed most of those brought into Treblinka. During the interview, which Suchomel did not know was being filmed, the SS soldier revealed in great detail the means necessary for killing thousands and the huge efforts that went into disposing of the bodies.

At one point Suchomel revealed that 12,000-15,000 Jews would be murdered per day when Treblinka was working at full capacity. Towards the end of the camp’s existence, Commandant Franz Wirth decided that rather than gassing or shooting the remaining prisoners, they should be starved to death.



    just see how cashual he speaks about the starvation of the jews yemach shmoi vesicroy

  • avi

    If he’s not dead yet, amy he paiger fun a meesa mishuna bikarov. If he is dead, we know, that he’brenning zayir hais in gehinnom!!
    I am also sickened at the indifference of the interviewer!

  • CR

    This is a clip from the Claude Lantzmann TV series Shoah released in 1988. His investigation into the logistics of the Nazi murder machine included interviews with former SS officers and civilian witnesses (some of whom were simply vile in their gleeful recounting of events).

  • new hitler on the rise ch V

    show this to the new hitler, achmadinejad…
    yemach shemom vezichrom, we need moshiach NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW