Weekly Dvar Torah: Nissan the Miracle Month
Nissan is the first month for the Jewish people, Nissan is about miracles, starting with the Exodus from Egypt. Tishrei is the first month of the year, it is about the creation of nature, which happened on Rosh Hashana.
These are two systems in which Hashem runs the world. The system of nature and the system of miracles. Nature runs its natural course, and miracles are not limited to any system. And this delineation we find in everything, even in Torah. There is the part of Torah which is dependent on a person’s ability to understand, and there is the part of Torah which is not within his grasp. The same applies to serving Hashem, there is the service which is according to one’s understanding, and there is the service which is above reason.
In the reward that G-d gives us for our service, there is the reward which is in proportion to our actions, and there is reward which is beyond proportion, for our service which was not proportional.
In Torah there is the study of Torah, which when we learn Torah, we internalize in our mind G-d’s wisdom which is the Torah. Every person is able to absorb G-d’s infinite wisdom, but it will be limited to his capacity. The relationship of a person to Torah is proportional to the person’s intellectual capacity.
Then there are the Mitzvos, which demand obeying Hashem’s commandments and fulfilling His will. We do this because this is what G-d wants, not because of any reasoning. It is directly related to His will. If this is what G-d wants, then this is what we do. It does not have to do with our abilities to think.
In Mitzvos there are three categories. The Chuka which has no reasoning. The Eidos which are testimonials. And Mishpatim which are logical. But these differences are only about the content of the Mitzvah, they are not reasons for keeping one Mitzvah or the other. Every Mitzvah that we do even if they make sense, is done only because this is G-d’s will. This makes our relationship with G-d by keeping the Mitzvos unproportionable.
In the reward that G-d gives for our service, there are two types of reward. There is the reward that a person gets for actions proportionate to everything done in a lifetime. In Gan Eden we study G-d’s Torah, G-d’s wisdom, based on our ability to understand. Then there is the reward that all Jews will get when Moshiach comes, we will then see the essence of G-d which is beyond comprehension.
When a teacher imparts wisdom to a student, it must be tailored to the capacity of the student. Otherwise it will overwhelm the student who will have learned nothing.
Of lesser precision is clothing, though in general it must fit the person, yet it doesn’t have to be perfectly fitted to provide cover for the person, because the clothing is a wrap around and not an internalized influence.
Less than clothing is a house, in which a person can go for cover and be protected from the elements. Since the house is so encompassing, there is not even a thought to try to make it fit.
Torah is wisdom that must be understood, like food which has to be internalized, therefore it has to be appropriately matched to the person. And the reward for Torah also comes in a measured way. Mitzvos, on the other hand, are an encompassing relationship with G-d, you are doing what He wants, it makes no difference what it is that He wants, you just do it because this is what He wants. This is not a measured relationship, and therefore the reward is also not a proportionate one, it comes in the form of the one whose wish you fulfilled, that He reveals Himself to you.
This is the difference between nature and miracles. We work with nature to adjust ourselves to G-d on a scale that we can within our limited capacity. Miracles we experience because we follow G-d on His terms, without regard to our limitations. We connect to G-d’s infinity, hence we experience miracles.
The ultimate will be revealed when Moshiach comes, when G-d will reward us for following Him on His terms.
Have a Miraculous Moshiachdik Shabbos,
Gut Shabbos
Rabbi Yosef Katzman