Weekly Dvar Torah: Yehudah Challenges Yosef, Action vs Torah Study

In Parshas Vayigash, when Yosef wants to take Benyamin away from his brothers, Yehudah beseeches Yosef to save Benyamin. Clearly Yosef had the upper hand, he was king, and Yehudah was at his mercy.

In the spiritual sense, Yosef comes across as superior in level, and Yehudah is not yet up to that level, therefore he is dependent on Yosef’s grace.

Chassidus explains that Yosef signified the level of Torah scholarship. That is why Yehudah was sent to set up a Torah center in Goshen, the place of Yosef, because that is where the Torah was represented at that time. Also, according to the Zohar, Yosef’s name ‘Yosef’ means adding and increasing in the study of Torah.

Yehudah on the other hand, represents action, which is the lowest level of the human structure. Also, the name ‘Yehudah’ means admitting and subjugating, as in Yehudah prostrating himself in front of Yosef.

When we read the Haftorah, we learn about the healing of the divide between the two kingdoms represented by Yehudah and Yosef, that they will be united under the kingship of Dovid (Moshiach), who comes from Yehudah. And this will be the ultimate unity and salvation of the Jewish people, when my servant Dovid will be their king forever. From this it is clear that Yehudah is greater than Yosef.

This is the debate, which is greater, Torah scholarship represented by Yosef, or the action of performing good deeds, by subjugating oneself to G-d which is represented by Yehudah.

The Talmud discusses this matter. R’ Tarfon said action is greater, whereas, R’ Akiva said Torah study is greater. Ultimately they all agreed that Torah study is greater, because Torah study leads to action.

This is fascinating. They argue about which is greater, and they all agree that study is greater, but not because study is inherently greater, but because it leads to action. So, the greatness of study is because of the action that comes out of it. If that is the case, then action is truly greater, so why declare study as greater, when in reality action is greater?

Then we are told that when Moshiach comes Yehudah will be greater, which means that the action will stand out as truly greater. If that is so, why do we first say that study is greater, and ultimately, we will find out that action is greater?

In Torah we know that when there are two opinions, both are true, it only depends on how the Halacha is at this point, but both opinions are really true and important. Chassidus explains that we are talking about the whole purpose of creation which is to refine the world through keeping Mitzvos. But the power for Mitzvos to be able to refine the world comes from Torah. On a simple level, a person will never know how to keep Mitzvos if he doesn’t study Torah first. Therefore, while we are engaged in the work of refining the world, Torah study is higher, because it has both qualities, that of Torah study, and that it leads to action.

However, when Moshiach will come, and we have completed the work of refining the world, then the action will no longer be about refining the world, and there will be no need for Torah to empower us in our action. Therefore, Torah will no longer have the distinct quality of leading to action, it will lose the reason why it was declared greater, which was because it leads to action.

On a deeper level, action is truly greater. Because it reaches down to the lowest level of creation. It draws G-dliness all the way down to permeate the entire existence, and this is the real purpose of creation and bringing G-d’s plan into active action.

Furthermore, action, like Yehudah, has this quality of subjugation, of self-nullification, of admission and humility. That’s why in the Haftorah we read: וְדָוִד עַבְדִּי נָשִׂיא לָהֶם לְעוֹלָם, and Dovid my ‘servant’ will be their king.

If he is king, why is he called servant? Because the true and ultimate quality of Dovid (and Yehudah), is that he feels subjugated like a servant, he has absolute humbleness and self-nullification, and this makes him great. And this is revealed through action which comes together with humility and self-subjugation for Hashem.

So as long as we need to do the work, action needs study to get it going. But once the job is done, the power of humility and action will shine brightly. This brings about the full redemption through Moshiach who comes from Yehudah, and he builds the actual third Beis Hamikdash, the ultimate purpose of creation. May it be speedily. Amen.

Have a studious Shabbos full of action,
Gut Shabbos

Rabbi Yosef Katzman

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