Pre-Pesach Dvar Torah: A Joyful Seder Filled with Love
Dovid Hamelech says in Tehilim (119,165):
שָׁלוֹם רָב לְאֹהֲבֵי תוֹרָתֶךָ וְאֵין לָמוֹ מִכְשׁוֹל
There is abundant peace to those who love Your Torah, and they have no obstacles.
The question is asked: why is there peace for those who ‘love’ Torah, when it should be peace for those who study Torah? Since Torah is to be studied, what is the significance of loving Torah? And why are they rewarded by not encountering any obstacles?
The Frierdiker Rebbe explains this by telling a story about the Baal Shem Tov.
Amongst the students of the Besht, there were great scholars and also many simple uneducated Jews. The Besht would give special attention to the simple Jews, and he showed tremendous warmth to them.
The scholars were not too pleased. Why is the Besht spending so much time with the simpletons? Is he not wasting his precious time, when he could instead be teaching us, the scholars, more Torah?
One of the students was R’ Nosson Laiventhendler. He was a successful businessman who was also a great scholar, and would spend many hours every day studying Torah. Another follower was R’ Avrohom Belishstzenitzer, a very simple uneducated Jew, who was barely able to understand the basics of Torah.
It happened once that both of these students came to the Besht, and he related a thought on the Posuk In Yashaya (1,15).
וּבְפָרִשְׂכֶם כַּפֵּיכֶם אַעְלִים עֵינַי מִכֶּם גַּם כִּי תַרְבּוּ תְפִלָּה אֵינֶנִּי שֹׁמֵעַ יְדֵיכֶם דָּמִים מָלֵאוּ.
And when you spread out your hands, I will hide My eyes from you, even when you pray at length, I do not hear; your hands are full of blood.
The Besht explained; true that the main service of Hashem is with your heart and your mind, which is the study of Torah and serving Hashem in prayer, nonetheless, it is still possible that your hands will be filled with blood.
“There is a possibility that even when a Jew opens his hands to give charity, yet when he prays, G-d says that your hands are filled with blood, and I will not pay attention to your prayer.
“You may be a great scholar, and you may be engrossed in the service of Hashem. Even when you open your hands to give charity, if you do so without feelings for the poor man, your hands remain full of blood, and I will not notice your good deed and listen to your prayer.”
R’ Nosson walked away thinking that this means that he has to create feelings when he Davens to Hashem. R’ Avrohom walked away thinking that he must develop even stronger feelings when he gives charity to feel for another Jew, and when he is giving Charity it should be done with greater joy. He started focusing on improving his character traits, to grow in his feelings and become more refined.
During Pesach the Besht was sitting at the Seder with his students, and he spoke of the greater pleasure that G-d has from the simple Jews, over the great scholars. Some of the students were perplexed.
The Besht then instructed the students to put their arms around their neighbors and to close their eyes. Then he put his arms around the two adjacent students next to him closing the circle, and he started to sing.
Suddenly they saw R’ Avraham sitting at the Seder with his family, at a table decorated with simple clay pottery lit up by a small flask of oil. The poverty was very obvious, but the atmosphere was very Yomtovdik and one of joy.
Afterwards they saw R’ Nosson sitting at the Seder in a large lit up dining room by a beautifully decorated table full of expensive cutlery and china and all kinds of luxuries, but the atmosphere was sad and melancholy and filled with anger.
The Besht explained; this is the difference between a Jew who works on himself to refine his character traits and one who may be a great scholar, but focuses only on his relationship with G-d without working on his character.
One who works on himself will always see the best in his fellow, and this gives him happiness. So regardless of his material status he is always satisfied and happy. Now is Yomtov and we should all rejoice.
One who is focused on his status alone, without caring for another, because he never worked on his character traits, so regardless of the event, even on Yomtov, he will find no peace, because the atmosphere is one full of anger and discord.
That’s why the blessing of peace is given to the ones who ‘love’ Torah, because everything they do comes out of love, and this brings joy, and therefore they won’t encounter any obstacles.
When sitting by the Seder table, focusing on the rituals and being meticulous about every detail, is very important. But being considerate of others around you, by showing love and understanding, will create a happy atmosphere and a joyous Seder table.
Have a perfect Seder, filled with joy and happiness,
Gut Yomtov, Gut Shabbos
Rabbi Yosef Katzman
P.S. As Yomtov is followed by Shabbos, don’t forget to make an Eruv Tavshilin