Weekly Story: The Rabbinical Conference of Zhitomer, in 5687 (1926)

by Rabbi Sholom DovBer Avtzon

As this Friday is Purim, I take the opportunity to wish everyone a freilichein Purim, and a happy and healthy year. As mentioned in previous articles, to give me a push to work on the Frierdiker Rebbe’s biography, I will from time to time post my draft of various chapters in his life. Being that the story of Purim koton 5687 (1927) is well-known, I chose to post the story of the beginning of that year, when the officials already stated that their goal is to arrest the Rebbe.

Your feedback is always appreciated.

In general, whenever a conference of rabbonim was called, especially after the Communist takeover, the Rebbe was apprehensive about its origins and its purpose. So when the Rov of Auvrutch, Rabbi K., came in the spring of 5686 (1926) with the proposal of making a conference for the rabbonim of his region, Zhitomer, the Rebbe asked him detailed questions. Out of necessity the only ones that were aware of this were the Rebbe, his secretary, Chaim Liberman and the Rabbi from Auvrutch.

In addition to discussing the agenda, he asked for the names of all those who would be invited to participate. At the beginning of that year, he had sent individuals to the cities and towns where those rabbonim lived to evaluate the level of observance, to explain that according to the constitution, a parent is allowed to teach their children the Torah, and the importance of maintaining the customs of eating a third meal on Shabbos, relating stories of tzaddikim and so on. Additionally, they were to feel out the Rov’s persuasion.

These individuals showed up in each town as if he just happened to be traveling by, and encouraged the Jews to be steadfast in their commitment and observance. The rabbonim applauded them for their efforts and stated that they will try to implement some shiurim in shuls etc. matching up his information with the list that Rabbi K presented to him, the Rebbe saw that every one of the invites/prospective attendees is a true rov, and gave his support to it.

Rabbi K. then asked the Rebbe if he will help cover the expense of this conference and the Rebbe obligated himself to do say, pledging the hundreds of rubles that Rabbi K. asked for. In a follow up meeting with the Rebbe during Elul, they planned/prepared the agenda of the conference.

When the rabbonim received the invitation, many of them were concerned as to whether they should attend or not, and the Rebbe received numerous inquiries about it. To each one the Rebbe replied, that Although, in general, I don’t support these conferences of rabbonim, I see that this one is unique. I don’t know what positive actions they can bring to fore, but there is definitely, no negative consequence from their agenda. On Sunday, the 16th of Cheshvan, the Rebbe wrote one letter to the presidium of the conference and the 2nd one to its participants.

The conference took place in the later that week and was in official session for three days.

Being that it was just for the rabbonim of that particular region, the Rebbe who was from a different region didn’t attend. However, he was given the title of as the honorary president of the conference.

The officials that sanctioned this conference in Kuristan Volnyia thought that these rabbis, just as many other rabbis throughout Russia, came to the ‘realization’ that there is a new system in place, and would fall in place. However, to their shock and horror, they heard a different message, they heard how according to the constitution, religious observance is permitted. It is permitted to teach ones children etc.

At that point, these rabbonim who participated in it, became the target of the regime and they wanted to know who was behind them. On one occasion, in Adar of 5687 (1927) one of the Rebbe’s messengers, Rav S. was recognized and they followed him. When he came to the Rov of Auvrutch the police arrested both of them. Miraculously, they didn’t find the Rebbe’s letter that his messenger had.

Rabbi K. was held in prison for 16 days and there they informed him; While we can’t prove that the Lubavitcher Rebbe is funding all of your illegal activities, such as establishing numerous underground classes, nevertheless they had enough proof that the Rebbe’s influence was spreading throughout Russia, and they came to the conclusion that it is time to deal with him. He is the most dangerous person to the communist ideology. Therefore he will be sent to Siberia.

This week’s post is l’zechus the complete and immediate recovery of my sister Chaya Rivka bas Cheyena and all those who are in need of a brocha.

Rabbi Avtzon is a veteran mechanech and the author of numerous books on the Rebbeim and their chassidim. He can be contacted at avtzonbooks@gmail.com

  1. His hesitation was three-fold; first of all, the officials probably wouldn’t permit it and secondly, if they do, they will have their agents there and people might be hesitant to say/discuss the truth, out of fear of retribution. Finally, the officials might twist someone’s words to say that they agree that changes should be made.