Laws and Customs: Elul
Rabbi Shmuel Lesches, Magid Shiur in the Yeshiva Gedola of Melbourne, Australia, has compiled a guide to the laws and customs of the month of Elul (up to but not including the period of Selichos) for the benefit of the wider Lubavitch community.
Relevant in lockdown:
Shofar during Elul: The Minhag of Shofar during Elul is to hear it in person. For those in lockdown without any viable option, hearing Shofar via Zoom does not seem to fulfill the core Minhag, at least not to the fullest degree. Nevertheless, it may still be apt to hear Shofar live via Zoom, because Shofar during Elul reminds us that Rosh Hashanah is coming, and its sound arouses within us feelings of Teshuvah and fear of heaven. Similarly, it may be appropriate to blow the Shofar in such a manner for children in an educational setting, while explaining to them why it is being done this way.
Please note: All times listed are for Melbourne only.
Click here to view and download in PDF format.
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