Special Story: The Power Of Willpower
by Rabbi Sholom DovBer Avtzon
On Friday I received a whattsapp with a powerful message of the Rebbe Rashab which is extremely appropriate for our times. At the same time I would like to reiterate my appreciation for your feedback on these stories as well as the virtual farbrengen on Thursday evening, which was graciously hosted by Merkos302. On behalf of those who are not Shluchim and expressed their appreciation to me, thank you for opening it up to the public.
During the winter months, the Rebbe Rashab would travel to various health centers. One of his destinations was Wiesbaden Germany. One year when he was there, he entered a factory and observed how the workers placed large pieces of wood in a machine and out came finished wooden products.
Either when he was leaving that year or when he came there another year he once again went to the factory. However, when he came to the building he noticed it was boarded close, completely locked off.
He inquired of someone as to why the factory is close and the answer was that one day in midst of production a screw or bolt that was inside the machinery snapped and not only did the metal of the machine break into pieces, but its explosion destroyed the finished products. So there is nothing to sell.
The Rebbe Rashab remarked, a screw/bolt can transform a coarse piece of wood into something beautiful and useful, and when that screw/bolt is missing, even a finished product becomes ruined and destroyed.
The Frierdiker Rebbe was there with his father, or when his father repeated this to him, he inquired, And what does that screw/bolt represent in a Jews avodah (service of Hashem)?
The Rebbe Rashab replied that is “RATZON / WILLPOWER”
When a person has the will power, even if he has a below average mind, his hasmada and diligence can turn him into a person with tremendous knowledge that can be beneficial to others.
However, if one is missing that will, so even if he is blessed with a wonderful head, if he doesn’t apply himself, he can lose whatever he has.
So dear talmidei hayeshivos, yes the shiurim/classes are not on a regular schedule now, but your willpower and desire cannot falter. Make a hachlata to accomplish something every day or every week, until Hashem removes this pandemic from our midst and we all can return complete to our classes.
Rabbi Avtzon is a veteran mechanech and the author of numerous books on the Rebbeim and their chassidim. His biography on the Rebbe Rashab is being edited. He can be contacted at avtzonbooks@gmail.com