Laws and Customs: Sefiras Ha’omer
Rabbi Shmuel Lesches, Magid Shiur in the Yeshiva Gedola of Melbourne, Australia, has compiled a guide to the laws of Sefiras Ha’omer for the benefit of the wider Lubavitch community.
Click on the images below to enlarge the text, or here to view and download in PDF format.
Please note: All times listed are for Melbourne only.
Why are polar routes more problematic that crossing the International date line?
Remember to that the ACTUAL IDL is different from the one advertised 180 degrees does not weave and bend in actuality
The Alter Mirrer chevrah are experts in those Halochos be’Ikar Rav Aaron Kotler
Why are polar routes more problematic that crossing the International date line?
Remember to that the ACTUAL IDL is different from the one advertised 180 degrees does not weave and bend in actuality
The Alter Mirrer chevrah are experts in those Halochos be’Ikar Rav Aaron Kotler
Flying a polar route can mess up ones personal count, since in those regions there’s a “virtual sh’kiah” and a change of day at local midnight, even if the sun is up. One would have to calculate what the local time was when one was flying through the region, and then figure out halachically what to do about it. Best to avoid the issue by avoiding the route.