1. This week we begin a new Chumash (book) in the Torah (the Five Books of Moses) named Vayikra (Leviticus). Chumash Vayikra mainly deals with the sacrifices that the Jewish people brought to Hashem in the Holy Temple and it goes through the work of the Kohanim (the priests).

2. In the beginning of this week’s Torah portion Hashem says “Adam Ki Yakriv Mikem Korban Lashem Min Habihayma Min Habokor Oo’min hatzon… - When a man will bring an offering from (among) you as a sacrifice to Hashem, from the cattle, from the herd or from the flock…” (Leviticus, Chapter 1, Verse 2).

The Weekly Sedra – Parshas Vayikra

1. This week we begin a new Chumash (book) in the Torah (the Five Books of Moses) named Vayikra (Leviticus). Chumash Vayikra mainly deals with the sacrifices that the Jewish people brought to Hashem in the Holy Temple and it goes through the work of the Kohanim (the priests).

2. In the beginning of this week’s Torah portion Hashem says “Adam Ki Yakriv Mikem Korban Lashem Min Habihayma Min Habokor Oo’min hatzon… – When a man will bring an offering from (among) you as a sacrifice to Hashem, from the cattle, from the herd or from the flock…” (Leviticus, Chapter 1, Verse 2).

3. The Rebbe now asks a question which is asked by the previous Chabad Rebbeim (leaders):

Question: Wouldn’t it make more sense to say “When a man from among you will bring an offering…” and not “When a man will bring an offering from among you”? Obviously the Torah must be teaching us something here, what is it?

4. The Rebbe now explains to us the answer that the Alter Rebbe (the first Chabad Rebbe) gave:

When Hashem said that he would rest in the Temple He said “Make for me a Temple and I will rest in them”. Our Sages explain that Hashem said “in them” (plural) because He was explaining to us that every single Jew is just like His Temple in that if they act according to His will He will rest in them. From this it’s understood that every service which was done in the Holy Temple must also be done by each individual Jew. And when the Torah talks about the sacrifices done in the Temple it is also teaching us about our own spiritual service to Hashem.

Q: What is the Torah teaching us about serving Hashem?

A: The word “Yakriv” which is simply translated as “bring an offering” also means “comes close” (M’loshon Kiruv). So it comes out that so-far the verse is saying “Adam Ki Yakriv – When a man will want to come close to Hashem”.

Then the verse continues and says “Mikem – from you”. The verse is telling us that in order for us to come close to Hashem we must sacrifice our (animal) self. Meaning:

Every person’s evil inclination fights with him differently, every persons “animal” is of a different nature, as the verse goes on to enumerate “Min Habihayma Min Habokor Oo’min hatzon – from the cattle, from the herd or from the flock”.

Hashem is saying that each one of us must sacrifice our own specific animal within us and then we can come close to Him.

Translated and adapted by Shalom Goldberg. Taken from Likutei Sichos Chelek Aleph, 1st Sicha.