Video: Who Should Jews Vote For?

Hillary? Trump? Neither? Rabbi Yosef Y. Jacobson delivers a unique Jewish take on the elections, the candidates, and what we can and cannot expect, based on 2000 years of Jewish experience in the Diaspora.

Watch on TorahCafé.com!


    • Proof please...

      Can you give us proof for that please? Or is it only because Hillary is anti? Please don’t make blanket statements with out proof.

  • @ #Ari

    To say Neither, is pathetic. Either you didn’t “listen” to the video or you didn’t get it.
    on a side note, think of the bigger picture and not the actual candidates.

    • Ari

      If you vote, and you elect dishonest, incompetent politicians, and they get into office and screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You voted them in. You caused the problem. You have no right to complain.


  • This election is a binary choice

    To all voters: The ballot box does not care about your feelings for the candidates; you’re just asked to choose which one will lead the country in the right direction. Grow up, and vote.

  • Moving to Canada

    Agree with 1 &2.
    Either president Hillary or President Trump scare me.
    Canada is the only option. My great grandmother is Canadian. Will that help?

  • @ #Ari @#8 @#9

    Ari, That’s not logic, that’s childish. you are leaving yourself an out, an option to say “it’s not my fault, i didn’t vote for x”.
    no one is telling you to advocate for a candidate.
    one of these TWO will be elected president. if it helps, don’t think which would be better, try which will be worse or whose policies will be worse or whose (3-4) supreme court judges will be worse and change the country for decades if not centuries.
    it’s your duty and moral obligation to vote. i hope this help.

    @ 8, right on
    @9, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. If you promise to renounce your citizenship, i will come help you pack

  • Yeah right!!

    You lack simple understanding.

    In another 4 years you all will be complaining about the same thing.