The Rebbe’s Annual Call for Summertime Tznius
“Prior to the summer, the Rebbe would – almost annually – discuss the topic of Tznius,” says Crown Heights Mashpia Rabbi Michoel Seligson. At his suggestion, CrownHeights.info began last summer a weekly article featuring a few words of the Rebbe on topic of Tznius, as compiled by Rabbi Seligson. We are proud to once again reintroduce this weekly feature, which will iy”h continue throughout the summer.
Tznius Brings About Protection of Israel
At a recent Shiur (Shabbos Parshas Balak), Rabbi Seligson quoted a Sicha of the Rebbe, in which he says that women observing the laws of Tznius protect the Jewish people in the land of Israel from harm. Some of those present asked Rabbi Seligson for the source of this Sicha, which he provided, and sent it to us as well to share with the broader Chabad community.
Excerpt of the Rebbe’s talk to Kinus Nshei Ubnos Chabad, Iyar 28, 5730 (1970):
“.. And it should be as we have just read (in the Parsha), “You will live safely in your land” (plus every Jew where ever they find themselves) in a manner of “You will sleep without fear”, there will be no need for a watchman. . .because the Almighty watches, about whom it is said, “The guardian of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps”.
For the this (above protection) we also need to observe tznius (modest dress), as the verse states “Since G-d, your G-d is accompanying your camp” (because) “he does not see any immorality in you”; when the Almighty sees that by the Jewish nation, wherever they are, there is no lack of tznius – then the Almighty is between them to “save you and to place your enemies before you”, that the Jewish needs to do nothing on its own, because the Almighty saves them, and with his own energy “Places your enemies before you”, that they are all destroyed, and fall before the Jews.
To the extent that “His enemies (of the Jewish nation) make peace with him”, and “I will grant peace in the land”, that the enemies are converted and become those who make peace and beg for peace with the Jews. . .”
Likutei Sichos vol. 8 page 226-227
those that ...
need to read and listen to these shiurim, don’t
Good old days
Can you repost the picture and have readers identify those in back round