8:00pm: Healing from Molestation and Dealing with Violators

This week’s edition of MyLife: Chassidus Applied with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Episode 55, will air tonight, Sunday, here on CrownHeights.info, beginning at 8:00pm. This week Rabbi Jacobson will address the topics: Healing from Molestation and Dealing with Violators.

How do we address the unspeakable violation of a child or adult, especially by someone trusted or in a position of authority? Intimacy is the most vulnerable place in the human psyche. When violated it is not like a brawl with a bully, which leaves temporary bruises, but one that remains etched in the psyche and memory, leaving deep wounds, many which can haunt one for the rest of his/her life.  What is the Chassidic approach to the recovery process for victims of sexual abuse? And how should we deal with predators? Is it permitted to embarrass a person who commits such a sin for the pain and damage they caused another? Going forward, how can we best prevent future violations?

In this week’s episode, Rabbi Jacobson will also address: How should we address chutzpah and instill mentchlichkeit in our children? Are the schools responsible for teaching manners and values of respect, or does that come from the home? According to Chassidus, how should we look at evil around us? How do we explain evil and terrorism to our children? Can an emotionally neglected person nurture others? How can victims of emotional neglect strengthen themselves, and be emotionally strong for their loved ones?

This hour-long dose of insights is meant to inform, inspire and empower us by applying the teachings of Chassidus to help us face practical and emotional challenges and difficulties in our personal lives and relationships. To have your question addressed, please submit it atwww.meaningfullife.com/mylifelive.

The topics in this Sunday’s hour-long broadcast will include:

  • Chassidus Applied to Chof Beis Shvat & Mishpatim/Shekalim
  • Chinuch follow up: Where’s the mentchlichkeit?
  • How do we deal with chutzpah?
  • Healing from  molestation and dealing with violators
  • Can we embarrass abusers?
  • Can an emotionally neglected person nurture others?
  • How should we look at evil around us?
  • How do we explain evil and terrorism to our children?

MyLife: Chassidus Applied addresses questions that many people are afraid to ask and others are afraid to answer. When asked about the sensitive topics he has been addressing, Rabbi Simon Jacobson commented, “I understand that the stakes are high, but the silence and lack of clarity on matters plaguing the community can no longer go unaddressed. The stakes of not providing answers are even higher.”

The on-going series has provoked a significant reaction from the community, with thousands of people viewing each live broadcast and hundreds of questions pouring in. At the root of every question and personal challenge tackled by the series is the overarching question: Does Judaism have the answers to my personal dilemmas?

In inimitable “Jacobson-fashion”, the broadcast answers people’s questions in simple, clear language while being heavily sourced. Each episode is jam-packed with eye-opening advice from the Rebbeim, gleaned from uncovering surprising gems in their letters, sichos and maamorim that address our personal issues with disarming relevance. Simultaneously, Rabbi Jacobson is able to crystallize a concept quickly, succinctly, and poignantly for any level of listener.

All episodes are immediately available for viewing in the MLC’s archive and can be downloaded as MP3’s for listening on the go.

Questions may be submitted anonymously at www.meaningfullife.com/mylifelive.


  • To #1

    I agree. I have yet to hear a straight answer to any question. Everything is fluffed up with a Sicha, but no practical, direct answers are given. This is why I no longer watch this series.

  • Me too

    I used to love them too having been an avid listener for nearly 40 episodes or so but after a while I realized how unstructured and unpolished they are. Plus so many loose ends left every time, finally no earth-shattering ideas or concepts were shared, mostly common sense. I moved on since.

  • Are you guys kidding or what?

    I find these episodes absolutely riveting, very structured, very clear and literally transformative.

    Obviously, when dealing with complex and sensitive topics, one hour is simply not enough time to cover every detail. I find that when you listen to the class and then to the follow-up, you come away with a very thorough approach, based on Chassidus and the Rebbe, to every topic addressed.

    Especially considering that Rabbi Jacobson needs to address personal issues that have many different nuances for different people, there is no doubt that he doing a brilliant job I hear the same from so many people, many who criticize everything, but when it comes to this series, they simply love these episodes.

  • #2

    Superficial minds hear superficial ideas. The series by Rabbi Jacobson is both profound and practical. It has changed my perspective on many matters. Both his answers and method of answering is eye-opening, to say the least.

    It even has helped me in personal matters, including my marriage. So to suggest that you “have yet to hear a straight answer to any question” is obviously quite ludicrous.

    But each to their own.

  • #3

    Can you please explain what you mean by the radical change that you experienced: You used to be “an avid listener for nearly 40 episodes or so,” but then after 40 episodes (!) you suddenly “realized how unstructured and unpolished they are”? Did the style change or did you become wiser after 40 weeks?

    Its interesting to note, that I and many friends, feel that the classes are getting better. Which may explain why the viewership is going up based on YouTube numbers.

  • To #6

    It’s wonderful that it helped you. The fact is that not every answer to every issue can be found in a Sicha or an Igros somewhere. Some issues require the services of a psychologist, therapist, Rav or life coach.

    I believe that trying to find an answer from a Sicha to every issue, including serious personal issues is counterintuitive.

    Trying to solve current personal issues from a Sicha that was said in Tof Shin Lamed Zayin is like trying to buy gas for your car at your local Shul. You are looking in the wrong place.

  • To #8

    If you listened to even a quarter of what Rabbi Jacobson is saying you would have heard exactly that: When to go to a therapist etc.

    At the same time, your dismissal of the Rebbe’s — and all the Rebbeim’s –words and methodologies as outdated is quite a “statement.” Actually write a nerve. Are we to assume that you are speaking from a point of intelligence and experience as being really familiar with Chassidus and the Rebbe’s sichos?!

    Just because you may have problems with identifying the relevance of a sicha from Tof Shin Lamed Zayin or for that matter Tof Shin Yud Alef, or for that matter Tanya written over 200 years ago, or for that matter Torah given over 3300 years ago — please don’t try to impose your lack to everyone else. Im rayk hu – mikem hu.

    If anyone needs to listen to this MyLife series — it is you.