8:00pm: Religious Incompatibility in Marriage, Invasive Smart Phones, Unhappiness
This week’s edition of MyLife: Chassidus Applied with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Episode 33, will air tonight, Sunday, here on CrownHeights.info beginning at 8:00pm. This week, Rabbi Jacobson will address the topics of: Being “Mekarev” the Opposite Gender (pt. 2), Music (pt. 2), religious incompatibility in marriage, invasive smart phones and unhappiness.
Many lines can become blurred in our complex times, especially on shlichus. In this day and age, is it acceptable to be “mekarev” a person of the opposite gender? Can a woman have a male mashpia? How sensitive should we be about interacting with people of the opposite gender? Does it make a difference if you are married or not? Is classical music more acceptable than rock and roll? Does Jewish music become unkosher if the artist is not observant? Does the Rebbe recommend pursuing a music career? I live a frum life but find it unfulfilling, how can I do mivzoyim if this “path” isn’t working for me?
Rabbi Jacobson will also devote time in this episode to a few issues surrounding shalom bayis. What happens when a couple grows religiously apart in marriage? When a spouse decides to decrease in observance, how should the other react? Does salvaging a relationship and shalom bayis trump Torah and Mitzvot? How can we guard children from getting confused? My husband uses his iPhone all day and night, is this acceptable behavior for a frum man? Did the Rebbeim provide guidelines for this intrusive technology?
Tune in this Sunday night for the next episode of MyLife: Chassidus Applied. This hour-long dose of insight is meant to inform, inspire and empower us by applying the teachings of Chassidus to help us face practical and emotional challenges and difficulties in our personal lives and relationships. To have your question addressed, please submit it at www.meaningfullife.com/mylifelive.
The topics in this Sunday’s hour-long broadcast will include:
- Is it acceptable to be “mekarev” the opposite gender?
- Religious incompatibility in marriage
- Spouse’s iPhone abuse
- The unhappy Lubavitcher
- Should I pursue a musical career?
- Is classical music permitted?
MyLife: Chassidus Applied addresses questions that many people are afraid to ask and others are afraid to answer. When asked about the sensitive topics he has been addressing, Rabbi Simon Jacobson commented, “I understand that the stakes are high, but the silence and lack of clarity on matters plaguing the community can no longer go unaddressed. The stakes of not providing answers are even higher.”
The on-going series has provoked a significant reaction from the community, with thousands of people viewing each live broadcast and hundreds of questions pouring in. At the root of every question and personal challenge tackled by the series is the overarching question: Does Judaism have the answers to my personal dilemmas?
In inimitable “Jacobson-fashion”, the broadcast answers people’s questions in simple, clear language while being heavily sourced. Each episode is jam-packed with eye-opening advice from the Rebbeim, gleaned from uncovering surprising gems in their letters, sichos and maamorim that address our personal issues with disarming relevance. Simultaneously, Rabbi Jacobson is able to crystallize a concept quickly, succinctly, and poignantly for any level of listener.
All episodes are immediately available for viewing in the MLC’s archive and can be downloaded as MP3’s for listening on the go.
Questions may be submitted anonymously at www.meaningfullife.com/mylifelive.