Rebbetzin Chana’s Memoirs: What Happened to Berel?

In this 37th installment of the series, Rebbetzin Chana expresses much worry over the fate of her middle son, Dovber, who had remained in Dnepropetrovsk during Nazi occupation. [The Rebbetzin was unaware that he had been murdered by the Nazis, YMS].


This day has significance for me that I need to share with someone, but unfortunately I don’t have anyone. I could do this only with my son, shlita, for I’m sure that he too remembers this day. However, I cannot discuss this subject with him.

The 3rd of Kislev is the birthday of my middle son [Berel]. I received news about him in 1941, but since then I have heard nothing. At that time he was in Yekatrinoslav, now called Dnepropetrovsk.

I have a strong desire to write to someone, possibly to learn some information about him. But I don’t know whether I should do this. Maybe in time I will discover some way to accomplish this.

I couldn’t refrain from mentioning this at all. On the other hand, I feel I shouldn’t dwell on it at length so that it shouldn’t affect my health. May there be deliverance for the Jewish people, and may none experience anything negative.

This year, the 3rd of Kislev was much more difficult for me to endure than previously. I don’t know the reason, whether it’s because my health is weaker, or because there is news that several families are being permitted to leave [the USSR]. I would like to know whether he is alive somewhere, and, if not, when and how… [he passed away].

I know the address where he was last living. Rachel, the girl who lived with us in our home, was devoted to him like a sister, and other good friends told me they would keep an eye on him. [Ed. note: Berel became incapacitated by an ailment, and required special care.] I had to travel to be with my husband, of blessed memory, and I was unable to entertain any considerations other than seeking some means of saving my husband.

In 1941, while in Moscow, I was invited to stay with a family we knew from Yekatrinoslav, the Vitkins. While I was there, an acquaintance of Mr. Vitkin visited. In my presence, he mentioned that Zelig Garelik’s wife, Mek, had asked him whether perhaps he could find out where the Rebbetzin of Yekatrinoslav was. (Before leaving Yekatrinoslav, I had left a small sum of money and several other articles with Mek for safekeeping.)

But when the Vitkins heard their visitor say this, they became frightened. They wanted me to leave their home as soon as possible, and began to suspect their visitor of possibly having some sinister motive for saying it.

Mek, the woman he mentioned, had promised me to visit Berel from time to time. But I couldn’t mention that at all, because at the time they were considering what to do with me.

Well, that’s enough. We’ll hope that G‑d shows us the right way.

Tragic life

I am no writer, and, in general, who am I and what am I? Nevertheless, I am almost always alone, and every individual is considered a “small world.” I have no one with me with whom to share my feelings, other than my son, long may he live in great wellbeing and success.

On the 28th of this month I turn 75 years old. This is a number that has some significance of its own in general, and particularly in light of what I have endured in recent years.

The life of my husband, of blessed memory, was tragic, and the same is true after he left this world. It would be desirable that there be some memorial to him. It appears to me that some of his writings could be published. But perhaps not? There are probably good reasons [why they are not being published yet].

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  • another chana

    Did the Rebbe mention his brother Berel in any sichos or on his brother’s birthday? Ish his brother’s yarzheit known?

  • Shlome Seldowitz

    I heard from Rabbi Michoel Seligson, who heard from someone in yechidus, that the Rebbe said about his brother Dovber: “It’s a shod that we don’t have Dovber’s chidushei Torah.”

    In researching the Rebbe’s biography as a child, I found proof that Dovber was an aggressive child, from the fact that he outsold both the Rebbe and Israel Aryeh Leib in subscriptions to the Haach magazine, published by Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim. Similarly, he organised placing homeless Jews who were displaced during the pograms of those times. He also organised placing blankets in the homes hosting those homeless Jews.

  • source

    I was told that Dovber ( a special needs kid)was the child from the famous story about the Rebbe saving a child from drowning
    any source?

  • So curious!

    I have a multiply-handicapped child and was always wondering what exactly was going on with this Dovber HY”D who is never mentioned. Apparantly some of you seem to know a lot- is it emotional in nature, ADHD,…? The editor calls it incapacitated so is that wheelchair bound?
    The story about the drowning child though wasn’t that a goyish child or am I mixing up stories?
    Please give sources for further research on this topic.

  • Anonim

    There is no clear information on the nature of Reb DovBer’s condition.

    It seems from the description of his childhood that any real disability started later in life.

    R’ DovBer was in a psychiatric facility when he was shot. I believe the date of the Nazi action is known and inscribed on a monument to him on the grounds of the facility.

    However, at the time, such facilities were used for people suffering from organic brain disease and trauma as well. They may even have been used for putting away those who the KGB and its predecessor wanted to have put away, but the use of psychiatric facilities as political prisons probably started long after World War 2.

    The source for the drowning child being the Rebbe’s own brother is from Assaf or Friedman or one of the other so-called historians who disrespect the Rebbe.

  • dfgd

    Thank for these articles. I really enjoy reading them. Rebbetzin chana was truly a great women.

  • Milhouse

    “the use of psychiatric facilities as political prisons probably started long after World War 2.”

    I don’t think so. I seem to recall that R Mordechai Dubin HYD was locked up in a mental hospital.