The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute is honored to partner with Shefa to introduce Steinsaltz Sunday; a revolutionary series on Pirkei Avos with one of the most brilliant Torah minds in this generation.

JLI Launches New Video Series with Rabbi Steinsaltz

The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute is honored to partner with Shefa to introduce Steinsaltz Sunday; a revolutionary series on Pirkei Avos with one of the most brilliant Torah minds in this generation.

Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz, a preeminent teacher in our generation, has dedicated his life’s work to ensuring that the Torah is accessible to all. In this series he presents what is possibly the most universally appreciated work of the Mishna, Pirkei Avos. Masechet Avos is a treasure trove of invaluable moral and ethical teachings, as applicable today as they were when the Mishna was compiled roughly 1,800 years ago. These nuggets of wisdom have been passed down from teacher to student, father to son, generation to generation.

Being that Pirkei Avos is compiled of six chapters, Jewish tradition is to learn a chapter a week during the six weeks between Pesach and Shavuos. The ethical teachings of Pirkei Avos correspond perfectly to the time period in which they are read, the weeks of Sefiras Ha’omer; when we work on improving our character in preparation for Mattan Torah.

Some communities, including Chabad, continue learning Pirkei Avos throughout the summer months to help fortify them for the vacation season. A time when people tend to relax their spiritual and moral standards, the extra dose of Torah is indispensable. Considering that it may be difficult to learn and retain all the lessons found in a single chapter of Pirkei Avos, the Rebbe suggested choosing one Mishna a week to learn in depth and focus on in addition to the reading of the weekly chapter.

JLI is honored to assist in this endeavor by providing an in-depth look at a new Mishna every week with Steinsaltz Sunday.


Watch on TorahCafé.com!

Introduction to Pirkei Avos:

Watch on TorahCafé.com!