Remembering Reb Chatzkel Lewintow, OBM

Today, 29 Av, marks the first Yahrtzeit of Reb Yechezkel Halevi Lewintow, OBM.

Reb Chatzkel, as he was affectionately known, was brought up in Rostov, Russia, by his parents, R’ Shneur Zalman and Sara. His mother’s parents were Reb Nachman and Rivka Lokshin of Rostov.

He had two brothers: Reb Sholom Dovber and Reb Shmuel, and three sisters: Rivka, Malka and Mushka.

Many chassidim (particularly Reb Itche der Masmid) who would come to Rostov to visit the Rebbe Rashab’s ohel would stay at his home.

At about the age of 7, to avoid attending the communist school in Rostov, he traveled (by himself) to Leningrad, where his uncle Reb Yisroel Yakov Lokshin lived.

In a video interview (shown below) he describes life in Leningrad before the war. Reb Chatzkel would send packages of food to support his family back home in Rostov (he describes how hard it was to send packages back home).

He recalls the Friday night knock at his uncle Reb Yisroel Yakov’s residence, when his uncle was arrested and sent to labor camp in Siberia for 10 years for the crime of studying in the Yeshiva Tiferes Bachurim of Leningrad (which the Previous Rebbe established).

When Reb Chatzkel realized that the government was rounding up the Jews who were studying torah, he tried to notify his uncle, Reb Tzvi Hirsh. It was too late; the government had arrested Reb Tzvi Hirsh too.

He describes the hunger years during the war in Leningrad. Due to the war, hunger and cold many yidden died. Reb Chatzkel worked in the Chevra Kadisha to try and bring the victims to kvuras yisroel. During this period his father passed away – on14 Teves, 1942.

That summer, the Nazis YMS conquered Rostov and murdered the Jewish community. Reb Chatzkel’s family: his mother, Sara; siblings, Sholom Dovber, Shmuel, Rivka, Malka and Mushka; his aunt Miriam and her daughter Rivka were murdered – on 28 Av, 1942.

At this time, Reb Chatzkel was the only surviving member of his entire family.

For the next few years he wandered through the USSR, working various jobs and studying in the yeshiva in Samarkand.

After the war he escaped through Poland to a DP camp in Germany, and from there to Paris, where he married his wife, Freida. (While he was in Paris, he received a letter from the Frierdiker Rebbe in which the Rebbe blessed him to find a good shiduch.)

In 1951 he emigrated with his wife to the USA, eventually moving to Crown Heights.

In many photos of the Rebbe in the 1950s, Reb Chatzkel is seen near the Rebbe (see the book Mekadesh Yisroel).

Reb Chatzkel and Freida worked many long hours at different jobs over the years. They gave much charity and had an open home.

Freida passed away on 14 Av, 2006.

Reb Chatzkel passed away one year ago, 29 Av, 2012.

Tehi Nishmaso Tzrura Betzror Hachayim

One Comment

  • special people

    Reb Chatzkel and Frieda a”h Lewintow were very special people.
    their home was open to so many people over the years.
    if any one was touched by them please share in the comments