Beginning at 10:00am today, Sunday, a series of 1 hours Torah classes will be broadcast live all day in vigil for the safety and security of Israel.

Live: Full Day Torah Vigil for Israels Safety

Beginning at 10:00am today, Sunday, a series of 1 hours Torah classes will be broadcast live all day in vigil for the safety and security of Israel.

The Torah Vigil for Israel airs live on and, with another Montreal Shliach giving a class every hour from 10:00am to 9:00pm.

The Torah Vigil for Israel program is coordinated by Rabbi Mendel Fine of Chabad Queen Mary in Montreal.

* 10:00 am Rabbi Ronnie Fine The Daily Tanya

* 11:00 am Rabbi Zalman Kaplan The Baal Shem Tov’s Teachings

* 12:00 am Rabbi Asher Jacobson The Sound of Silence

* 1:00 pm Rabbi Yisroel Bernath 4 Prototypes of Love – How do I Connect?

* 2:00 pm Rabbi Moishe Krasnanski The Baal Shem Tovs Contribution to Modern Day Living

* 3:00 pm Rabbi Yossi Schanowitz Teshuvah-Repentance

* 4:00 pm Rabbi Leibel Fine Ethics of Our Father

* 5:00 pm TBA

* 6:00 pm Rabbi Zalman Stiefel Reaching Upward, Inward & Outward

* 7:00 pm Rabbi Zushe Silberstein The Sound of the Big Shofar – Who will sound it?

* 8:00 pm Rabbi Zalmy Rader Insights into the Rosh Hashana service

* 9:00 pm Rabbi Ronnie Fine Dealing with Life’s Difficulties/ Evening Prayers