Lechaim: Vogel – Drori Photos from the Lechaim of Dovi Vogel (Wilmington, DE) and Tsofia Drori (S. Paul, MN) which took place Sunday night in the Chovevei Torah Ballroom.
Sholom The kallah is one very lucky girl. Dovi was always the top of his class in yeshiva and one of the most liked as well. So happy for him.
Tom from Enterprise in Boston
Zevi K!! I see you!!!!
The kallah is one very lucky girl.
Dovi was always the top of his class in yeshiva and one of the most liked as well. So happy for him.
Haha! Eli and his faces!
velves mashpia
wooohooo gooo velve (avremel) l!!!!! we love you in Toronto dont leave us again!!!!