Hebron Celebrates Shliachs Sons’ Bar Mitzvah

Photos by Mendy Hechtman.

The Jewish community of Hebron joined in the celebration of the Bar Mitzvah of Meni Cohen, son of Rabbi Dani Cohen, Shliach in Hebron.


  • Shlome Seldowitz

    מזל טוב, מזל טוב

    Mazel tov, mazel tov

    to the bar-mitzvah “chayal”,
    to Rabbi Daniel Cohen and his family,

    from his former neighbors on Malbone Street

    –Shlome Seldowitz and family

  • uncle meir

    the cohen Bar Mitzvah was the most amazying event of it’s kind i’ve ever witnessed. the joy and good will lit up the hevron night. the cohen family are beloved by all. mazel tov again.

  • st

    Danny and his wife are such special people,you should have lots of nachas form you beautiful son and all your children,Mazal Tov, Mazal tov

  • go-d-s right hand man

    ben shlosh esray lmitzva~~~mazel tov~~~ naches ~~~ from beginning to end the torah is there for us ~~~ how much you are for the torah is up to you~~do the mitzvos~~bracha vhatzlacha~~