Bar Mitzvah of Menachem Mendel Rubashkin

Friends and family joined together to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of Menachem Mendel Rubashkin, son of Sholom M. Rubashkin in New City, NY.

Photos by Baruch Ezagui


  • Awesome!

    If you weren’t there you can’t imagine what it was like. The last time I danced like I did was by my wedding. The simcha was indescribable. May the simcha of the bar mitzvah bring about SM’s redemption now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ironic

    how ironic that the last picture is a bunch of illegal Mexicans preparing the food!!! LOL

  • CC Bilo

    I actually spoke to one of the kitchen staff whos parents are LEAGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS its ppl like you who jump to conclude the leagal status of a person based on the color of their skin.

    Shame on you!

  • WOW

    This Lipa carracter looks like a big time goooooof !!!!!!!!
    He looks like a chasidesheh leitzan.

  • t.g.v.z.g

    the simcha of mmr’s bar mitzvah should be the simcha that is poretz geder, and we should rejoice at the simcha of smr’s release. the last song in the video, tracht gut vet zein gut, is so appropriate of the occasion!


    to Number 2 – Did you ask for their ID? Your comment is thoughtless and is a reflection of perhaps a very disturbed mind and attitude towards the world. If you could be so rude to make such a comment at one of the most important events of 1 boy’s lifetime – a boy nonetheless that probably never did anything wrong to you, or those around him – shows that you have no compassion! If you are Jewish, one must ask whats wrong with your Neshama. WAKE UP the world is beautiful – GET READY FOR MOSHIACH AND THE REDEMPTION OF SMR!

  • dripdrop

    nothing personal, but someone should tell (k)Lipa that he looks like a freak in his costume, maybe get his wife on the case. anyway MZ“T Rubashkins, from one Simcha to the next IY”H.

  • Shlome Seldowitz

    Mazal tov, mazal tov, to the entire great Rubashkin family.

    Chazal say, “Hamebal yesurim b’simcha mevee yeshua l’olam” – those accept troubles and pain with simcha bring salvation to us all.

    The Rebbe said by Didan Nazach that (I paraphrase) we’ve suffered enough pain, let’s have the yeshuas already.

    – Shlome Seldowitz and family


    #11 have you even been around chassidishe circles? I mean not only Lubavich? have you seen chassidishe bakeshes? I bet never if you are making fun of Lipa’s quiet traditional fancy bekeshe…
    Mazal Tov!

  • Kan Tzivah Hashem es Habrochoh!

    The Rebbe wanted all simaches to be in Crown Hights because ‘kan tzuvoh Hashem es Habrocha’! I would think that Rubashkins who need every bracha possible would make the Bar Mitzvah in the Rebbe’s Shchuna!

    Mazel Tov and lots of Simches anyways.

  • R- Shlomo In Eretz Yisroel

    Where’s Reb Moshe R. father-in-law, R’ Benzion Friedman. Didn’t see him any pictures. Hope alls well with him and his Rebbitizen.