Governor John Corzine talks with Rabbi Moshe Herson and his son Rabbi Asher Herson, Chabad representatives to NJ.

NORTHWEST, NJ — New Jersey Governor John Corzine made a surprise appearance at a Chabad dinner in Northwest NJ, last week. The Governor greeted the 400 friends and supporters celebrating the 20th Anniversary Founders Dinner in the Crystal Plaza.

Governor Corzine Surprises Guests At Chabad NJ Dinner

Governor John Corzine talks with Rabbi Moshe Herson and his son Rabbi Asher Herson, Chabad representatives to NJ.

NORTHWEST, NJ — New Jersey Governor John Corzine made a surprise appearance at a Chabad dinner in Northwest NJ, last week. The Governor greeted the 400 friends and supporters celebrating the 20th Anniversary Founders Dinner in the Crystal Plaza.

“I know in my own life that with out a sense of purpose and sense of blessing, life loses its meaning. I have to congratulate Chabad for their great leadership and for the spirituality and blessing they bring to the community,” said the Governor.

Mr. Corzine spoke warmly of Rabbi Asher Herson, who leads the Chabad of Northwest, New Jersey community, with a Jewish population of 15,000, emphasizing his open acceptance of everyone, regardless of background or financial status.



  • An eye that sees

    I was brought to Yiddishkeit through this Chabad House. Let me tell you that Rabbi A. and Mrs. S. Herson are incomparable. They deserve only Kol Tuv mamosh! Mazal tov on being honored by the Governor’s visit, at their Founders’ Dinner. May they go from strength to strength, greeting Moshiach immediately, along with all of the beautiful congregation they have built with the Rebbe’s brochas!