Huge Publicity For Chabad of Scotland

GIFFNOCK, Scotland [CHI] — This week Lubavitch of Scotland has been using a 20 foot long ad banner to publicise their programmes within the Glasgow Jewish community. The banner was sponsored by the Sholom and Pessy Jacobs Family Foundation. Sholom who resides with his wife and familyin Cedarhurst New York is the son of Rabbi and Mrs Chaim Jacobs who have been Lubavitch-Chabad Shluchim in Scotland for 38 years.

More pictures in the Extended Article

Rabbi Chaim Jacobs said “this type of activity brings the work and publicity of ‘Lubavitch’ and the ‘Shul in the Park’ into a completely new dimension in line with the 21st century.” Rabbi Mendel Jacobs founder of the ‘Shul in the Park’ came up with banner idea.


  • program directors of Monroe x

    excellent work!wishing we were all there!!but shepping nachas….luv ur fans in monroe ny!

  • Non-Crown Heightser

    Chazan Sholom Jacobs (in picture)does excellent things for Chabad of the Five Towns and he will be davening as its chazan for RH/YK!!