This year Chovevai Torah has selected 13 Bochurim who will be dispatched to Yeshivos around the world as Talmidim HaShluchim and will provide more personal attention to the Bochurim in those yeshivas in the learning environment as well as assist in the Mivtzoim Programs. is proud to be the first to bring you the list of those Bochurim, and it can be viewed in the Extended Article!

ULY Chovevai Torah Announces This Years Shluchim!

This year Chovevai Torah has selected 13 Bochurim who will be dispatched to Yeshivos around the world as Talmidim HaShluchim and will provide more personal attention to the Bochurim in those yeshivas in the learning environment as well as assist in the Mivtzoim Programs. is proud to be the first to bring you the list of those Bochurim, and it can be viewed in the Extended Article!

Yeshivas Chabad Lubavitch Argentina:

Shmulik Abend
Yehuda Chanaya (Didi) Waks
Shneur Zalman (Zaly) Lazarus
Aryeh Zeev (Arik) Naparstak

Mesivta Chabad Tucson, Arizona:

Peretz Gutnik
Aaron Shloime (Araleh) Diament
Pesach Eliyahu Zirkind
Aharon Yosef (Araleh) Chazan
Yosef Yitzchok Herbst
Michoel Shachneh Kaselevitch

Yeshivas Chabad Lubavich Toronto, Canada:

Sholom Ber Bloom
Shmariyahu Labkowsky

Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch Chovevai Torah:

Yehoshua Markus


  • chovevai alum

    mazet tov shluchim. mazel tov chovevai torah. keep up the good work. covevai torah is the besta yeshiva with the besta menahel!!

  • A Proud Parent

    Hatzlocho Rabo on the Rebbe’s shlichus, mazel tov to all the bochrim, you should all have a year of learning and being mashpia on others, coming from a great Yeshivah with a great hanholo.

  • Yossi-s friends in Melbourne

    Goodonya Yossi. Arizona here you come, “ker a velt”. Tuscon will never be the same after they get your special talents.

    Mazel Tov to the other Melbourne bochrim
    Didi, Peretz and Michoel.

  • Shmuli

    Kol Hakavod to the New Shluchim!!

    And particularly to Yehoshua Markus for staying to do Shlichus in the very same Yeshivah. That is real dedication – and my opinion the real shlichus!

    Kol Hakavod and good luck!

  • The Tesslers

    MAZAL TOV JOSH! Looking forward…:Hopefully by next year we’ll actually be neighbours.