Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Plainview

Plainview, NY — There was a great ceremony in Plainview, Long Island, today. Congregants of the Plainview Synagogue and the community witnessed in awe the writing of the final letters of the Torah written in honor of their Rabbi, Rabbi Gutman Baras, of blessed memory.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

As the Torah was carried amidst dancing through the streets, a neighbor joyfully shouted, “It’s like a wedding!” Traffic on Manetto Hill Road was re-directed and motorists stopped and gratefully took flags to wave as they drove away. Others stopped, parked and joined the Torah parade.

Rabbi Gutman Baras was the first emissary sent to Long Island by the Rebbe to introduce and re-awaken Yiddishkeit and Torah observance on the Island.

The congregants comment that Rabbi Gutman Baras was their role model who continues to guide them in Torah and Mitzvos- today and in the future.

Another congregant raising his son to kiss the Torah said: “Thank G-d the Lubavitcher Rebbe sent Rabbi Baras here, how else would we know what to teach our children!”


  • nice job

    i like the way yisroel dovid sings, and also lookin realy good in that tie

  • CHer

    I was there… the event was amazing. Shmuli great job!

    Some guy came over to me during the event and said he was driving by and saw the men dancing with sefer torah in the street and pulled over to join…

    He said he hasn’t seen anything like this since he was 10 years old in the lower east side…

    It was a huge kiddush hashem and kiddush sheim lubavitch…

  • A-Fan

    Nice Siyum Sefer Torah…

    Webby you sure do pack in those miles traveling ever where to get the news…

  • Proud!

    Nice to see! I’m sure the Rebbe has much nachas! WOW! True soldiers in the Rebbe’s Army- Keep up your work!

  • Plainview kid Avraham Yaakov

    I had a great time Rabbi shmueli. oofaratzah oofaratzah ..!!!!!

  • i vus der!

    hey- I was there and i’m sorry for all those who missed the tie! Hey Rabbi Baras!!! WHERE WAS YOUR TIE???!!!

  • ULY Bochur

    Di Neshama Zol Hoben an Aliya> Rabbi Baras Snr. was one class act. Anyone who knows any of the Baras’s can just imagine how special their father was.

    Moshiach Now!

  • Noach Moshe Pan

    Godd job Shmuel, i had a good time so did my parents brothers and my Grandfather, there was lots of spirit in the dancing in and outside of the shul. You made Adam H. happy when they song OOOFARATZZTAH Offfaratzztah ….. .

  • Noach M

    Its a nice torah, I was right i would get an aliyah last Shabbat Shmuel, the silver on top and the crown makes the torah look even nicer.