Future is Bright with CTeen Leaders
In a letter dated 20 Iyar 5720, the Rebbe put special attention on Jewish teens, even adding that in general youth responds more readily to youth. “They have special qualities of untapped reserves of energy and enthusiasm.” Today, the Rebbes words continue to ring true, as CTeen continues to climb the ladder of international and global change at the hands of its teen leaders.
“The Rebbe spoke a lot about how teens have all this passion, energy, and fire inside them ready to change the world – they just need some direction. I see it first hand every day,” said Risa Mond, Director of the Intl. Leadership Program. “CTeen Leadership is that direction for them.”
By the end of 5777, the leadership network had 171 leaders from 50 chapters. By the end of 5778, 220 leaders from 78 chapters. And now, with the year barely underway, the program is starting with over 210 leaders enrolled spanning from 75 chapters with more leaders applying everyday.
“CTeens growth and success is in no doubt in great thanks to all CTeen leaders,” shared Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of CTeen.” We’re so touched by the dedication, investment, and energy that each leader takes to make their chapters the success they’ve become.”
“Our leadership board has impacted our chapter in every way,” Rochel Flikshtein, Shlucha to Wilmington, DE. “It’s because of the teens that our chapter has grown to the size it is. The rest of the chapter really looks up to our leaders, looking at them for guidance, asking questions. They really pave the way for the chapter.”
Teens enrolled in the leadership network receive organizational tools to assist them in their mission. Including progress reports, monthly online webinars, access to the online shluchim lounge, personal coaching, and much more.
The perk of CTeen leadership is found in its networking opportunities, which offer teens from every corner of the world the chance to interact with other leaders just like them. Through online communication, group think-tanks, and assisting at CTeen Headquarters, teens learn the true meaning of what it means to be a leader.
“Knowing I have a whole squad of other teens who have my back, and are there to help me out at anytime is great,’ Shayna Solkowitz, leader in Woodcliff Lake, NJ. “If I ever need ideas, or even encouragement if a program didn’t go as well as it should have, I have dozens of teens right there to lend me a hand.”
For any questions on the CTeen Leadership Program you can reach out to risa@cteencentral.com.
For any questions about becoming a CTeen member, you can reach out to office@cteen.com.