UK Shluchim Gather for Regional Kinus
During the two days of the Kinus 92 Shluchim from all over the UK participated in 22 lectures and workshops and left energised to continue to their Shlichus with renewed purpose and vigour. The conference was held in the magnificent setting of Bosworth Hall Hotel (part of the Brittania Group) in the picturesque village of Market Bosworth.
Opening the Conference, Rabbi Pesach Efune, of the Hanholla of Chabad Lubavitch UK paid tribute to the work of Rabbi Nachman Sudak, who oversaw the growth of the movement from a single office in Stamford Hill in 1958 to the 127 Shluchim covering the length and breadth of the country, on Campus, at Chabad Houses, as Shul Rabbonim, Mechanchim and Cteen Shluchim from Bournemouth in the south to Edinburgh in the north, Bristol in the west and Newcastle in the east.
A gala dinner was held in the evening which was enhanced by the presence of Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch who despite his extremely hectic schedule of the previous week had made a great effort to fly to the UK to fulfil the mandate given to him by the Rebbe to help organise regional Kinusim for Shluchim. Delivering the keynote address He praised the Shluchim for perpetuating the legacy of the Rebbe with their unswerving dedication to the needs of Yidden wherever they may be and encouraged them to continue their important work.
Rabbi Moshe Zavdi, Menahel of Yeshiva Ketana Lubavitch London was the guest speaker representing the Shluchim, he spoke passionately about always keeping in focus our special status as Shluchim of the Rebbe and the great responsibility and opportunities that this gives us. Rabbi Zavdi also shared with the Shluchim about the success and the growth of the Yeshiva Ketanah in recent months and the impact it is having on the bochurim.
Following the dinner the shluchim gathered for the highlight of the kinus – the farbrengen led by Rabbi Kotlarsky and Rabbi Naftoli Silberberg accompanied by niggunim and the odd lechaim, the farbrengen drew to a close in the early hours of the morning. Just a couple of hours later most of the Shluchim participated in a pre shachris shiur Chassidus given by Rabbi Yoinasson Golomb of Sheffield.
Other international guests included Rabbi Naftali Silberberg, Co-Editor in Chief of JLI who delivered a series of workshops on how to deliver an effective adult education programme. Rabbi Shimon Rivkin, Executive Director of Cteens, who flew in to boost the growing network of CTeen Shluchim in the UK.
Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin delivered an indepth halocha shiur on working with other denominations, he also gave a shiur addressing shaalos send to him over the course of the past year by Shluchim. In addition to peer led workshops there were tracks offering INSET training for teachers delivered by Phaivish Pink of the Torah Teachers Training Scheme, Financial Planning by Rabbi Benji Landau of Mesillah UK. Neville Goldschneider of Camp Simcha. Personal Safety Awareness by Harvey Bolchover and Cassie Daniels of the CST. Recognising the importance of the individual there were also sessions focussing on emotional and physical health led by Philip Collett of Goals UK and Dr Lyndon Wagman of Lane End Medical Group. Jon Benjamin, COO of Chabad Lubavitch UK reviewed the legal requirements every representative had to adhere to and advised delegates of the recently updated policies for protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults. There was a special session led by Rabbi Doniel Paley exploring what can be done to strengthen Chinuch in the UK.
Rabbi Bentzi Sudak, CEO of Chabad Lubavitch UK commented that “the immense growth of Chabad Lubavitch UK in both numbers of personnel and reach of each individual centre is inspiring and invigorating. This is a testament to the vibrant Jewish community here in the UK and to the relevant and cutting-edge programming we make available to Jews of all walks of life.”
Rabbi Yehuda Pink, Chair of the Conference Committee said that the record number of delegates attending this year was tribute to the months of effort and time expended by the members of the organising committee who have established the conference as a central platform for learning and growth.
After a sumptuous lunch, while most of the shluchim made their way home suitable invigorated and rejuvenated to continue the work of the Meshalaich – the Rebbe of blessed memory, those shluchim who are affiliated to JLI, the Jewish Learning Institute, the biggest Jewish adult education network in the world who had been unable to attend the JLI Conference, held a few days earlier in New York were able to stay on for a mini conference led by Rabbi Silberberg.
92 shluchim enjoyed the kinus, including the “gala dinner”, and all the other meals, all catered and prepared by Rebetzin Dini Pink! (Turk)