New Center for Jewish Youth in Siberia
A large, beautiful building was dedicated in an impressive ceremony in the Russian city of Krasnoyarsk, Siberia. This new building will be for the city’s Jewish Youth, with a rich variety of programs geared to various age groups from Preschool and all the way to adolescents.
The building was dedicated in the city of Krasnoyarsk, where the Shilach and Chabad Rabbi, Binyamin HaKohen Wagner, has been active for many years. He was instrumental in renewing the old shul that had been closed down by the Communist regime, as well as opening a new chesed center and educational center for the cities many Jews.
Chief Rabbi of Russia, Berl Lazar, flew in for the special occasion, as part of his ongoing support to the many Rabbis and lay leaders in cities throughout Russia.
Chief Rabbi Lazar, Krasnoyarsk Rabbi Binyamin Wagner, and representative of the fund that sponsored the building, Rabbi Dovid Mondshine, were graciously welcomed in the City Council offices by the Mayor and the District Governor, who promised to continue supporting the great work of the Jewish community.
A mezuzah was affixed to the main entrance by the Chief Rabbi, and the entourage continued on to tour the rest of the beautiful building. They expressed their amazement at how much attention was given to every detail for the benefit of the city’s Jews.
The new building hosts classrooms, a rich Jewish library, simcha hall, exhibits and more.
Photos by Eli Itkin
I think we need Berl Lazar in Crown Heights!
beautiful so proud
Behind every succesful man there ia grat aishel chyail behind him
Where is our DORIT the shlucha??.keep going we are so proud of you and you and your husnand accomplishments.
your friends of Bos Menachem Brooklyn NY