CTeen a Show of Force at March of the Living

For the first time ever, thousands of teens participating in March of the Living will enjoy the complete CTeen experience beneath a large pavilion erected in Warsaw specifically for the occasion.

The project was spearheaded by Rabbi Meir Stambler and organized by Rabbi Shalom Ber Stambler, shliach to Warsaw, in collaboration with CTeen INTL and Cteen Israel.

On the first day, the Welcome Ceremony at the pavilion drew more than one thousand teens from around the world. Hundreds of boys and girls were greeted by delicious refreshments, Mitzvah booths, and a pictorial essay of Jewish life in Pre-War Poland.

CTeen shluchim from Argentina, Israel and New York flew in to run the many workshops and activities throughout shabbos. Special thanks go to Rabbis Yonatan Sirota and Daniel Zelione from Argentina, Rabbis Moshe Shilat, Mendy Kanievsky, Moishy Hazan, Mendy Turkov and Yossi Goldstein from Israel and Rabbi Shimon Rivkin from CTeen INTL.

“Coming back to Panama after the CTeen Shabbaton wasn’t easy,” shares Rachel Shitrit, CTeen leader. “It’s awesome to be here today with so many Jewish teens, many of whom never had a chance to do Mitzvos. It’s so nice to have the tefillin stand and receive shabbos candle kits for all of us on this trip now.”

Among the hundreds who put on Teffilin are Israeli Air Force pilots, who will join the March of the Living this Monday.

With Hashem’s help, the exponential worldwide growth of CTeen programs is born from the incredible partnership of Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky and the Meromim Chul Foundation, headed by Rabbi Bentzi Lipskier.