Ground Broken on First Mikvah in Ulster County
Chabad of Ulster County, NY, under the leadership of Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht, has begun digging the foundation for a brand new Mikvah, the county’s first ever.
The new Mikvah will service both the year-round Jewish community, as well as the many travelers and visitors to the area.
“Our community is very excited that soon we will finally have our very own Mikvah,” said local Shliach Rabbi Avrohom Boruch Itkin. “We are a small community with very limited funds and we still need more to finish the project, but Boruch Hashem we are able to move forward with this great Mitzvah.”
Big Z Schapiro
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Hecht and his community of Ulster County on their behalf of the new Mikvah. you should go from strength to strength happiness and successful enjoy
First Ladies Mikvah
My son is in camp in Kingston, and for the boys they use the swimming pool as their mikvah.
Ellenville has a mikvah
Ellenville (which is in Ulster County), has a mikvah that was inspected by RZ”S Dworkin.