Yeshiva High School of the Twin Cities packs Shalach Manos
Twin Cities, MN — The Purim season has begun, and the bochurim at My Yeshiva jumped right in! The bochurim have been going to the Lubavitch House in West S. Paul to help with one of the biggest and oldest Shalach Manos operations in the country. Lubavitch of Minnesota, under the leadership of Rabbi Moshe Feller, sends out more than 10,000 shalach manos packages to Jewish people all across the state of Minnesota.
Rabbi Mayer Rubinfeld, the program director for Lubavitch in Minnesota, ran the project and directed the bochurim. The boys packed brochures, cookies, candies, and tzedaka into the packages, and then sealed them, addressed them and mailed them.
More pictures and a Video clip in the Extended Article!
wow, i remember when i did that three years ago….
Yossi Smoller wow, how are you doin’? Great to see you doin’ sometin’, keep it up kid.
THE ot bochur
shuas beard is getting waaaaaay too big!
hi yossi looking good!
keep it up!
Hey Chaim, so you’re still packing shalach amnos. Don’t forget the good times in Pittsburgh!
gershon nachom
hey yossi..glad your putting your time to good use. so…whats new?!?!?
Bubby and Zaidy
Chaim, we’re shepping lots of nachas here in Sea Gate. Keep up the good stuff. Love you.
Mommy and Tatty
Keep those Mitzvos coming!
We’re happy to see the simcha shel mitzva on your face!
Uncle Ben
Chaim, you look like you’re having WAY too much fun. Enjoy! We’re proud of you!
shaindy & sardines
yay we have a famous cousin! go0o0o0o0 yossi!
a shliach from last year
hey yossi
whats up good to c u doing something good like u always do-HAHA
well call me