Menorah Vandalized at Campus Chabad House
Two unknown suspects broke a 12-foot-tall menorah in front of the Chabad House of S. Diego State University.
The incident occurred at around midnight on Oct. 22.
One student who lives in the Chabad House dorm witnessed the vandalism, Rabbi Chalom Boudjnah said.
“He basically heard a big noise, like a metal noise, came out, and he saw a few guys (who) looked like college students,” Rabbi Chalom said. “They were basically pulling on one of the branches of the menorah, and then it broke.”
The student attempted to confront the two men, but they took off running. Two girls were walking by during the incident, but they were gone after the student returned from chasing the two men, the Rabbi said.
Zalmy Schapiro
wow this is the third Chabad House this year this is really not good one was the Montreal and the second one somewhere in Europe I think the best thing that they should a security camera near the Menorah or put in the back of the Chabad house or put it in the stock room and take it out whenever is Chanukah I’m just giving you an idea and suggestions
Who's who
Does he have a camera in front of chabad house??
If not kit.
Get a life vandalisers
Yeah I know how jealous people are of menorahs. If you want a big menorah so badly, don’t vandalize it. Earn some money and buy one
S. Diego resident, at SDSU
I don’t think this was an antisemitic issue. I think they just wanted to do pull ups.