Former Church Dedicated as New Outreach Center
This past Sunday Chabad at the Shore held a dedication ceremony for their newly acquired facility, The Chai Center. Over 250 community members attended the ceremony in which the former church was dedicated as a new synagogue and outreach center.
Located at 6605 Atlantic Ave, in Ventnor, New Jersey the building was formally an Episcopalian church. it was purchased by Chabad in June of 2015 and after undergoing renovations it is now the new home of Chabad at the Shore.
More than 250 people attended the evening. Participants enjoyed a cocktail hour in the new social hall and they were then invited into the Synagogue Chapel to participate in the Dedication Ceremony.
More than 57 families were recognized for their generous donations towards the organizations capital campaign. A special recognition was given to Dr. Morris and Norma Antebi for dedicating the building in memory of their parents Ezra and Grace Antebi.
The evening included opening remarks from Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, greetings from the Mayor of Ventnor, Mike Bagnel, A message from Rabbi Shmuel Rapoport the regional director of Chabad of Atlantic and Cape May Counties, a ribbon cutting, the placement of the mezuza, the sounding of the Shofar as well as a special video presentation.
Hi, Mazal Tov and nice plaques! It was our pleasure and honor to create them for you.
Unemployed Noachide
Baruch HaShem!
If only all such buildings of avodah zarah were to be taken over by Chabad and those practicing avodah zarah in said structures would do teshuvah and become Noachides. It’s a lonely existence being the only Noachide in Podunk, Jesusland, USA. :*(