JNet Phoneathon: Matchmaking of a Different Kind

In preparation for the JNet Phoneathon to take place next week, JNet members Schneur Zalman Baumgarten, Berel Bronstein, Avi Kammen, Tzivia Jacobson, Etta Chaya Brummel, and Ortal Hoffman filmed a special promo video to get Crown Heights ready.

JNet, an organization matching people looking to learn with Anash members who want to teach, is launching a year-end phone-a-thon offering entry into a raffle for an iPad mini for Anash who volunteer to learn on the phone for 30 minutes weekly for three months or, alternatively, choose to sponsor one such chavrusa for $54.

A convenient way to be involved in shlichus and mivtza Torah, by becoming a match or sponsoring a match, Anash can help carry the flame of Torah to everyone.

People will receive a call asking them to “press oneโ€ if they would like to be contacted about being a volunteer or donor.

For seven years, this division of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch has set up more than 5,000 people to learn weekly on the phone or online and now has more 33,000 sessions a year.

Visit www.jnet.org/raffle for more information.

<a href="http://www.linkedtube.com/P8Jz_X6ePQs3052ba5a3c84ca4d5780a31f937248fd.htm">LinkedTube</a>

<a href="http://www.linkedtube.com/dez4W07iXKI70bba5c81315bb3d6b21a8e65c09fd46.htm">LinkedTube</a>


  • Wish I could teach

    What a great program! It so nice to see how many people are doing this! I wish I had more time to learn with someone. I am going to sponsor a chavrusa. I hope I win the iPad!