FJC News
Alamaty, Kazakhstan — The popular Kazakh channel “Habar” has launched a television series on Judaism, Jewish traditions, and history. The program is spearheaded by the Chabad Lubavitch representative to Kazakhstan, Rabbi Menahem Mendel Gershovitz.

The first part of the program consists of a half-hour segment on Shabbat. Mrs. Elka Gershovitz hosts the program which explains how to prepare for Friday night Shabbat dinner, with many ethnically Jewish dishes. Students from the S.T.A.R.S. program assist her in preparing meals on the air.

Jewish Television Programming in Kazakhstan

FJC News

Alamaty, Kazakhstan — The popular Kazakh channel “Habar” has launched a television series on Judaism, Jewish traditions, and history. The program is spearheaded by the Chabad Lubavitch representative to Kazakhstan, Rabbi Menahem Mendel Gershovitz.

The first part of the program consists of a half-hour segment on Shabbat. Mrs. Elka Gershovitz hosts the program which explains how to prepare for Friday night Shabbat dinner, with many ethnically Jewish dishes. Students from the S.T.A.R.S. program assist her in preparing meals on the air.

Each episode is concluded with a lesson about Shabbat from Rabbi Gershovitz. The show will air twice a month.